60 years old and not a wrinkle: the extraordinary health of the little marshmallow bear from Perpignan

by time news

The POG, in other words the Little Marshmallow Bear, is sixty years old. And it is accessible to all teeth in a transgenerational context since the fetish teddy bear of the Cémoi house has brightened up the good times of three generations. In six decades he has not aged a bit and he is taking care of his waistline. Its measurements are unchanged: 6 cm in height, 2 cm in width of marshmallow coated with crunchy chocolate. Or 12.7 grams of which you can only take one bite.

For 83% of the French people questioned, it embodies childhood. More than 7 out of 10 people know the little marshmallow bear. POG alone represents 5,000 tonnes of production and 40 million euros in turnover in the accounts of the Cémoi house in Perpignan, which bought its parent company, the company Bouquet d’Or from Villeneuve-D’Asq (Nord) in 2003 to give it a new life.

“This absolute confectionery star almost never saw the light of day. In 1962, Michel Cathy, product manager, had proposed it but the commercial management had not retained it among the new products. So, POG’s father acted differently. With his development team, he launched a small production, teddy bears that he had placed on the table of a management meeting, to give him a second chance, “says Maud Clarissou, marketing director of Cémoi, the giant French mouth chocolate. And the first little cubs in question disappeared very quickly, including from the mouths of the sales department in an atmosphere of “that’s too good!” “.

That’s how POG became a favorite treat for kids of all ages. For good measure with the passage of time and current consumption trends, POG is now available in organic form, thus meeting the demand of 90% of young consumers. The famous crunchy milk chocolate made from biosourced and organic cocoa beans grown in the Dominican Republic with respect for the environment and the farmers themselves, according to the Cémoi house, which has implemented a quality approach in chocolate by controlling the entire production chain thanks to the “Cocoa Transparency” program.

To further increase its impact, Cémoi stages it at each meeting of the gourmet calendar: Easter and Christmas, but also Halloween or carnival. As a must-have little teddy bear. And unforgettable.

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