News 24 | Corona developments.. the decrease in new injuries and critical cases continues.. high recovery and stability of deaths

by time news

The statistics of the Ministry of Health showed today (Saturday), the continued decline in new cases of “Corona” and critical cases recorded during the past 24 hours, with the continued rise in recovery cases, while deaths remained at their stable levels.

The statistics indicated that 88 new cases of infection were recorded today, a decrease of 8 cases compared to yesterday, bringing the total cases to 750,998 cases of the virus.

She indicated that the curve of critical cases continued to descend, as 3 new cases left intensive care, bringing the total number of critical cases now to 106.

And she indicated that the number of recoveries from the virus continues to rise, as 273 cases were recorded, to remain at their high levels compared to injuries, bringing the total number of recovery cases to 734,820 cases.

The statistics indicated that deaths are at their stable levels, as one new death was recorded, bringing the total deaths as a result of the virus in the Kingdom to 9,047 deaths.

Corona cases

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