Saint-Étienne: a woman dies following the blows of her “heavily alcoholic” husband

by time news

She did not survive her husband’s beatings. A 44-year-old woman, rescued in serious condition overnight from Thursday to Friday after being hit in the head by her spouse, died the following night in Saint-Étienne, according to the police and the prosecution.

The forty-year-old, unconscious when the firefighters hospitalized her on Friday around three o’clock in the morning, was carrying “massive subdural hematomas linked to the blows received” on the head, specifies the public prosecutor, David Charmatz. The alert was given by neighbors who called the fire department.

The spouse was quickly arrested by the police, heavily alcoholic, in the neighborhood where the couple lived. The 47-year-old man admitted having struck with his bare hands but he disputes any homicidal intent, according to the same source.

Already convicted for acts related to alcohol abuse

He was presented on Saturday to an investigating judge who opened a judicial investigation for “aggravated voluntary homicide” since it is the victim’s spouse, according to the prosecution who requested his detention. According to our colleagues from regional radio France Bleu, the man, who allegedly started beating her earlier that day, was imprisoned in the Saint-Étienne remand center, at La Talaudière.

The perpetrator’s criminal record bears the trace of various convictions, mainly related to alcohol abuse, prior to 2016. According to the prosecutor, the couple was unknown to the justice services and had not done previous intervention by law enforcement.

According to the latest report from the Ministry of the Interior, 102 women were killed by their spouse or ex-spouse in 2020. The feminist collective against sexist and sexual violence #NousToutes counted 113 deaths in 2021. According to the same collective, it could be the 31st feminicide in 2022.

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