Presidential, food, Bruce Willis: the “Update” of the week

by time news

Dlast straight line. In a week the dice will be rolled, the campaign over and the voting started. The twelve candidates throw their last forces into battle. Emmanuel Macron held his first major campaign meeting this Saturday and is trying to clear up the McKinsey controversy, named after this consulting firm whose services the government used. Rising in the polls, Marine Le Pen is already preparing the return match against the outgoing president. The political service makes you live the last moments of this presidential election like no other.

7 days, 7 items
McKinsey controversy: the ball of fake asses?
Lecornu: “The far right has never been so close to being able to win”
EXCLUSIVE. Rallies to Macron: rififi among the deputies Les Républicains
Pécresse-Sarkozy, such a slow poison
The National Rally resurrects the former RPR
Presidential: for Yannick Jadot, the last chance sprint

Start-up nation

That day, he was the superstar. Satisfaction can be read on his still youthful face. An audience of officials, big bosses and start-upers committed to his cause is there to applaud him. Some members of this CSP+ audience film the scene. This is to say how much Emmanuel Macron piques their curiosity. He, the brand new President of the Republic, came here, on June 15, 2017, to unveil his digital roadmap. The place is highly symbolic: it is the Salon Viva Technology in Paris, the new tech meeting place. A sort of Las Vegas CES, made in France. What about five years later? Kevin Badeau conducted the investigation.

READ ALSODid Emmanuel Macron betray the “start-up nation”?

Hunger for history?

As the war in Ukraine continues, another conflict is brewing: that of food. Normally, Ukraine and Russia together account for almost a third of world wheat exports. The Black Sea ports are at a standstill, transport costs are exploding, as are grain prices. In Europe, in Africa, in the Middle East, people worry: how else can they get their supplies? Are we heading for food riots? We investigated.

Our file
“Europe finally understands that it is useful to produce wheat”
Ukraine: the figures of the wheat war
In Ukraine, the other battlefield
The bakery that feeds kyiv

The planet of ideas

Vulnerability of the United States, rise to power of China, fear of Putin… Across the Atlantic, editorial writers and essayists are breaking taboos. Brice Couturier echoes this in his “Planet of Ideas” for the month of March.

READ ALSOHas World War III really started?

Special animals

Do you know the frosty frog? The jellyfish cheats death? The coelacanth? Or the naked mole-rat? These very special animals all have a story. Nathalie Lamoureux tells it to you in the series of the week.

1. Frosty Frog
2. The jellyfish cheats death
3. The sloth, this exceptional slacker
4. The coelacanth, our common ancestor
5. Riddle of the Naked Mole Rat

Bruce Willis

The news had the effect of a bomb: Bruce Willis stops his career. “Our beloved Bruce has had some health issues and was recently diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities. Therefore, and after careful consideration, Bruce is leaving this career that meant so much to him,” his family wrote on Instagram. Philippe Guedj pays tribute to a legendary actor.

But also :

The political interview of the weekend with Michel Barnier

The political week of Sophie Coignard

Michèle Cotta’s

The Maghreb letter

The Geneva Watchmakers Fair

Our desires of Paris

Certified incorrect with this week An Indian in the city

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