NSTDA develops “surrogate virus” to test vaccine formulas and drugs to treat COVID-19 Proactively successful!

by time news

Biotech NSTDA intensifies development of “surrogate virus” to successfully test proactive vaccine and drug formulations for COVID-19 for the first time in Thailand by the mechanism of infection into cells like a real virus but through the adjustment of properties that do not cause harm to humans This is a technology recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its effectiveness and safety.

In the past, research and development of vaccines and drugs including evaluating the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine Researchers had to work on high-risk isolation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from domestic patient secretions. and increase the amount of this type of virus that spreads quickly and severely in biosafety laboratories Level 3 (BSL3), which Thailand has not many This made the operation difficult and delayed. This directly affects the development of drugs and vaccines to keep up with the epidemic. and preparedness to deal with viruses that have mutations all the time

Dr. Anan Chongkaewwatana, Director of Animal Health and Management Innovation Research Group National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Biotech), National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) said that in order for Thailand to cope with the outbreak of COVID-19 effectively The research team has brought knowledge and expertise in development. “Pseudotyped Virus” or “Agent Virus” that has a mechanism to infect cells like a real virus but through the adjustment of properties that do not cause harm to humans This is a technology recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its effectiveness and safety.

including being widely used today to be used to develop “Virus that represents the virus that causes COVID-19” has been successfully completed for the first time in Thailand. The technology developed by the research team can be used to produce a virus that is a substitute for the virus that causes COVID-19. from the genetic code of all species A surrogate virus is a technology created to mimic the COVID-19 virus. As is known, SARS-CoV-2 uses proteins in the spines to capture and enter cells. The research team then placed the viral spike protein SARS-CoV-2 in another virus that was safe and noninvasive. The representative virus has several important features.

The first is to enable researchers to work “proactively.” Yes, when a mutation of the COVID-19 virus is discovered. Researchers can then use the genetic code to create a surrogate virus for immediate use. It is not necessary to wait for that strain to be infected in the country and then isolate it from the patient.

2. is “safe” The surrogate virus is not pathogenic. A researcher or laboratory staff can therefore use the surrogate virus in the laboratory of a general medical facility.

3. is “quick test” Unlike real viruses, which take 5-6 days, surrogate cytology can clearly show cellular changes within 48 hours. In addition, up to 90 surrogate assays can be performed at a time, while viral assays are able to show cellular changes clearly within 48 hours. The real thing can only do 6 samples at a time.

4. is “producing large quantities in a short time” make enough viral load to test This makes it possible to do research more efficiently.

5. It is “reduce costs” in performance up to 20-30 times

with the hallmarks of the above-mentioned virus agents. Make from now on research and development of vaccines. vaccination regimen including medicines from various viruses of Thailand will be smoother and faster It can also be used to create a virus that is a substitute for the virus that causes COVID-19. A worrying new mutant species to prepare for severe outbreaks that may occur in the future

In the past, Biotech has brought virus representatives to provide research and development of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country, including testing the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine. with domestic injection Testing the COVID-19 vaccination regimen for different groups and testing the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine Produced in the country such as the Chula-CoV-19 vaccine, the prescription vaccine and the HXP–GPOVac vaccine.

However, this viral surrogate production technology developed by Biotech NSTDA can be applied not only in the development of COVID-19 drugs and vaccines, but also in the production of other viral surrogate agents. including proactive prevention of disease outbreaks from animals to humans It helps Thai researchers to carry out work to support the prevention of the epidemic easily, quickly and efficiently. Build more medical and public health security for Thailand.

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