Samuel Kwesi, survivor of Villa de Pitanxo: “I saw how they suffered”

by time news


The families of the 21 dead in the sinking on February 15 of the Galician trawler ask to go down to the wreck and not “cover the truth”

Rescue of one of the sinking victims.EFE
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the ghans Samuel Kwesione of the three survivors of the sinking of the trawler Villa de Pitanxo, sunk on February 15 in Terranova (Canad)has intervened this Sunday in the protest called in Marn (Pontevedra)where he lives, to ask to search for the 12 disappeared: “I saw how they suffered.”

In the alameda of this coastal town nobody had this April 3 with Kwesiwho however, and despite his state of mind, has wanted to be there to show his support for that tracking.

“I don’t feel very well. For me it’s always February 15. Every day is the same. Let justice be done. We can’t do justice without the evidence,” were his first words from the box.

It has been shown Kwesi contrary to “leaving important evidence lying around” and has considered it key to go down to the wreck, or at least try, thanks to the different testimonies provided by the skipper, Juan Padán; his nephew, Eduardo Rial, and himself, the only ones, of a crew of 24, who can tell what happened, because although the version of the first two is coincidental, that of Kwesi differs.

“I’m so sad that all the words don’t come out,” confessed Samuel, who found warmth in those present. “Samuel, you are the truth!” They cheered.

Kwesi He went on to say that for him Spain is a country “that tells the truth” and that is how he wants it to continue to be, “as I have always believed”.

“I ask this for all my comrades. On this ship I found people, good comrades, dear ones, friends. I saw them. I saw how they suffered. Those who were with me on the raft. I saw how some said their last words. do justice without going down to the ship. I ask for all the families. Let’s not stop supporting. Let’s not stop fighting”, he concluded.

And, again, support: “SamuelWe believe you, stay strong.”

July Towers, pastor of the local evangelical church and a close friend of his, has added by his side that the claim is not “crazy” nor is it “nonsense.”

“This man carries a heavy burden,” he has confessed, and has emphasized the need for his statement to be accompanied, as far as possible, by “objective evidence.”

The story of Samuel contradicts the official version offered by the shipping company about this maritime catastrophe.

In the protest, the families of the 21 dead in the sinking on February 15 of the Galician trawler Villa de Pitanxo in Canadian waters have demanded to go down to the wreck in order to see if there are bodies inside the ship, to find evidence and, above all, everything, “not cover up the truth”.

The National audience opened criminal proceedings after the statement of the Ghanaian sailor before the Civil Guard and before the Maritime Accident and Incident Investigation Commission (CIAIM).

the shipowner, Noresbased on the testimony provided by the ship’s skipper, explained at the time that the ship had suffered a “sudden stoppage of the main engine” during a tacking maneuver, which left the trawler “without propulsion or steering” and exposed to the wind and to the waves

Due to this engine failure, the owners of the 50-meter-long boat argued, the sea pounding “listed and sank” the fishing boat in a matter of minutes.

Samuel Kwesi, however, he stated in his statement that the crew members of the Villa de Pitanxo shouted at the skipper to lower the ship’s cables, a maneuver that could have prevented the shipwreck.

In addition, it revealed that the skipper had not given a signal to abandon ship or ordered the crew to put on the survival suits, clothing that in the end only the skipper himself and his nephew, the other two survivors, would have put on.

The version transferred by the Ghanaian sailor appears in the report prepared ex officio by the Civil Guard and which was sent to the National High Court, which coordinates all judicial proceedings on this case.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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