Marin Le Pen repeats it: We will ban slaughter but we will allow kosher meat to be imported to France

by time news

Marin Le Pen, who is running for president of France, says in an interview with i24NEWS that contrary to the original statement that she intends to ban kosher and “halal” across France, if her party wins the election, they will promote a slaughter ban within France but allow kosher meat imports. The issue has caused a stir in recent days, both in France and in the Jewish and Muslim world.

In an interview with Benjamin Petrower’s show tonight, she responds to the storm by repeating the wording of the original proposal. Instead of a sweeping ban on kosher food throughout France, they will promote a law that will allow the import of kosher meat and “halal” – the Muslim “kosher”, but will ban slaughter that she says is “inhumane” towards the animal.

“When slaughter is banned without blurring (of the animal), of course it will be possible to import the meat to respect the religious considerations of our Jewish people,” Le Pen says. “I want to assure everyone that I understand that some people may be worried. So I tell them again, there will of course be the ability to import meat that conforms to the religious laws of our Jewish people.”

Against domes in public space and dual citizenship for French Jews

As early as 2017, Le Pen spoke out against Jewish and Muslim slaughter: “Almost 90 percent of the slaughterhouses in the Paris area are of the Halal type. I’m sorry, but I think such products should be labeled. The far right of the presidency, similar to what she said 5 years earlier, in 2012.

In February 2017, Penn provided her with a statement that upset the Jews of France, when she announced that they would have to choose between French and Israeli citizenship, but then returned to it.

Due to her opposition to radical Islam, she worked to promote a ban on wearing headscarves in public spaces, including domes for Jews: “We should deny the visible religious symbols. France is a secular state, we have no national religion. Therefore I ask Jews to make sacrifices to fight against The common enemy, radical Islam. “

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