In the shadow of the wave of terror: Bennett spoke with the King of Jordan and thanked him for condemning the attacks

by time news

In the background of the wave of terrorism that has befallen Israel in the past week, the Prime Minister, Naftali BennettSpoke today (Sunday) with the King of Jordan, Abdullah II. In his conversation, he congratulated the latter in honor of the month of Ramadan and thanked him for the clear condemnation against the recent terrorist attacks. The two also discussed the importance of cooperation between the countries and the continuation of the ongoing relationship and discourse. According to reports in Jordan, Abdullah sought during the conversation with the prime minister to facilitate worshipers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount, especially in the first days of Ramadan.

President Yitzhak Herzog on a diplomatic visit to Jordan (Photo: Omar Miron)

According to the Jordanian news agency, King Abdullah emphasized the importance of finding a solution that would lead to comprehensive peace, which would prevent any tension or escalation in the Palestinian territories. Also during the conversation, the King of Jordan stressed the need to stop all actions that could lead to conflict violence, and to continue efforts to achieve peace.

According to the Jordanian Agency, Abdullah also put the issue of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount at the center of the conversation, when he asked to be considerate and make it easier for worshipers to reach the place, without “obstacles and harassment” at the beginning of Ramadan.

Earlier, the Prime Minister visited the Samaria Brigade of the General Security Service (GSS), together with the GSS chief, Ronen Bar, And Commander of the Central Command, Major General Yehuda Fox. Bennett conducted a situation assessment with the participation of the commanders of the Samaria Brigade in the Shin Bet, during which he received intelligence reviews about the operation to thwart the terrorist cell in Jenin last weekend, as well as discussing the sectoral situation. And the collection used by the brigade in thwarting future warnings of terrorist attacks.

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“Over the weekend, GSS and YMCA forces, together with IDF forces, thwarted a hot attack on the way to the target. Like this attack, the terrorists have all kinds of ideas, so we are on high alert, both the GSS and the Israel Police, to identify any trace of an idea or plan for the attack and thwart it ahead of time. Of loopholes, and our goal is to break the wave. We are now entering a period of “alert routine”, when we want the citizens of Israel to return to routine and the security forces to be on high alert. It is not an effort of one action but many hundreds of actions that happen all the time. Together we will make the effort to break this wave, “Bennett said.

Ronen Bar, Naftali Bennett (Photo: Haim Tzach, GPO)

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar added: “The service currently works in many arenas – local, in Judea and Samaria, in the network and in Gaza. Prime Minister, you meet a sharp, determined, skilled organization that learns while on the move and fire. On Saturday we encountered fire together with our brothers from the IDF, we thwarted a significant attack. I will also take this opportunity to wish Sen. S. a speedy recovery. During a field patrol I conducted on Saturday, I asked the sub-district coordinator in charge of the area where the attack was thwarted: ‘What about the workers? Do they manage to breathe a little air? ‘He looked at me in bewilderment and said to me, “This is the head of the service, that is exactly why we came to the GSS.” human life”.

Meanwhile, and due to the security situation, the date of the testimony of the Commissioner of Police in the Investigation Committee of the Meron disaster was postponed.

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