Documentation: The ‘Israeli’ vehicle used by the terrorists

by time news
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In the activity of the IDF fighters, the GSS and the IDF, three Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed last Saturday night, during a shootout that took place between Jenin and Tulkarm. Country.

As part of the activities of the IDF fighters, according to information received about a squad of terrorists who were on their way to carry out an attack, the fighters arrested a vehicle in which the squad was traveling between Jenin and Tulkarem. A few before leaving Jenin.

During the arrest, fire was opened at the IDF fighters who returned fire. Among the shootings that took place at the scene, the three terrorists were eliminated. In the vehicle of the terrorists, ammunition, weapons and grenades were seized.

According to what is known so far, the terrorists replaced the vehicle plates so that they could easily enter Israeli territory through one of the crossings within the separation fence, but by the grace of heaven and thanks to intelligence, their operation was thwarted ahead of time.

The GSS did not take any risks and even prepared in case the counterterrorism failed. The GSS prepared a special team that was held in three centers and was supposed to capture the terrorists upon their entry into Israel.

Saif Abu alone, one of the three terrorists in the cell that was killed on Saturday night near Jenin by the IDF force – tried to carry out a shooting attack several days before he was killed, and miraculously the incident ended without any casualties.

According to the details, last Tuesday the terrorist carried out a shooting attack at the seam line when he fired dozens of bullets at an IDF force that was in the area of ​​the fence, but miraculously failed to hit even with one bullet.

Since that failed attempt to hit, the GSS sat, following and monitoring all his actions. But for example the day before he was killed, he participated in a procession in Jenin armed with an M16 rifle. The terrorist shouted: “You will soon hear about me. I’m going to do something very big in Israel. “

This shout was documented and reached the GSS, in a vehicle that was killed on Saturday night, along with two other terrorists, a will was found in which he wrote that terrorist attacks against Israel should continue.

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