Fantastic beasts, Dumbledore’s secrets (and the “bad” Johnny Depp disappears after the accusations of his ex-wife) –

by time news
Of Valerio Cappelli

The third of the five planned chapters arrives in theaters. In the Harry Potter prequel Jude Law returns as a wise and benevolent wizard: “The professor now comes to terms with the past.” And «Redmayne: to the teacher I am a younger brother. The Prophetic References to Ukraine

Up your wand, bring wizards and witches into your mind. Delving into the mysteries of a fantasy so packed with demanding fans is like joining a sect with so many Oscar winners having fun at the carnival. We are in the 1930s, and the evil wizard Grindelwald is on the rise. “I’ve done so many villain to the cinema by having lost the right path “, jokes Mads Mikkelsen, the Danish actor who took over as Grindelwalda Johnny Depp (fired for accusing ex-wife Amber Heard’s violence) in prequel Of Harry Potter. Let’s talk about Fantastic Beasts – Dumbledore’s Secretsthe new adventure of JKRowling (from 13 in theaters for Warner Bros).

Jude Law, the wise, benevolent bearded Professor Dumbledore, knows that Grindelwald wants to take control of the wizarding world. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts the magizoologist Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) with the task of leading a team of wizards, witches and the baker Jacob (Dan Fogler) in free fall (in the USA we are in the middle of the Great Depression) that he lost ” love, appetite and oven ». Objective: the mission against Grindelwald and his praetorians. On Depp’s departure, Jude Law was diplomatic: “The choices of producers, in situations like these, must be accepted, we just have to align ourselves.”

The film resembles today’s world, it is full of dark references that have turned out to be prophetic about the war in Ukraine (another magic?): From clashes “between people of the same blood”, to references to people who “want to transform the burning world “, In jokes such as” in dangerous times dangerous men are favored. ” And more fate and fate: “Things unimaginable today will be inevitable tomorrow.” Director David Yates also signs this third chapter (“more elegiac and less dark”), after having also tasted several slices of the Harry Potter. He said that, “after Ukraine, this film will be followed with different eyes, like anything. There is a rigid, lethal and puritanical character in his ideology, inevitable to recognize himself in today’s world ». He talks about Grindelwald with his purpose to destroy the world of the Muggles, the people without magical abilities.

We are in a snowy landscape, in an overturned “reality” dominated by plots and dark rumors. You fight with magic wands with an illuminated tip, between crossed spells, reptiles and threatening insects; and then Qilin, the cub who escapes the henchmen of the villain, the ibex of Chinese mythology with scaly skin, a kind of disturbing Bambi; and again a delightful anthropomorphic map that rests in the pocket that reminds us of Tinker Bell.

But what changes in the third chapter of a saga born in 2016? For Jude Law it is a return: «More than a process of change there is a going back to when Dumbledore was not yet the character of Harry Potter. We had to free ourselves from the Dumbledore we knew. He is a man who seeks his path and faces his demons, he comes to terms with the past and his own feelings of guilt, but if there is one quality that binds him it is his malice and humor. I was prepared in my subconscious ever since I was reading these books to my children. ” Eddie Redmayne is the magizoologist Newt Scamander: «With Dumbledore there is the complex relationship that one has between teacher and apprentice, but here he treats me as an equal to him, a younger brother. I like Newt that he is introverted and lives in his world. ”

Mads Mikkelsen, world champion of dark characters, smiles: “It was like joining a family that adopted me. I felt at home. A quick and easy journey ». And what a journey: exploring magical communities in China, USA, UK, Brazil, Germany, Bhutan… It’s a blockbuster. “It was – says the director – a huge logistic enterprise where we celebrate values ​​such as loyalty, love, friendship, we approached the charm and humanity of the first Harry Potter».

April 3, 2022 (change April 3, 2022 | 21:05)

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