Ukraine, Presidential, Corsica… Top five news for the weekend

by time news

Have you picked up the news? We summarize the main information of the last two days.

In Ukraine, the horror of Boucha

In Boutcha, the departure of the Russian forces gave way to horror, with the discovery of dozens of bodies in the city.

The Ukrainian army regained control of the entire kyiv region on Saturday, while Russian forces redeployed in the east and south of the country. But a further step in the horror was taken with the discovery of dozens of corpses, presumably civilians, in Boutcha, a town located northwest of the capital. “All these people were shot, killed with a bullet to the back of the head”, assured Anatolii Fedoruk, the mayor of this city. Nearly 300 people were buried “in mass graves”according to him.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday accused Russia of committing a “genocide” to eliminate “the whole nation” Ukrainian. The international community has widely condemned this killing. “It has to stop”reacted the head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken. “The images reaching us from Boutcha, a liberated town near kyiv, are unbearable. In the streets, hundreds of cowardly murdered civilians”, lamented the French President, Emmanuel Macron. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz demanded that light be shed on the “crimes committed by the Russian army”.

One of the challenges of the coming days will be to document the abuses attributed to Russia, which denied on Sunday having had civilians executed in Boutcha.

Read also: In Boutcha, bodies lying in a street discovered after the liberation of the city

Presidential: Emmanuel Macron in a meeting…

Emmanuel Macron, during his only campaign meeting before the first round of the presidential election, Saturday April 2, in Nanterre.

Emmanuel Macron gave his first (and only) meeting on Saturday before the first round of the presidential election, Sunday April 10, at the Paris La Défense Arena, in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine). The opportunity for the Head of State to speak to his left and try to correct the course of his campaign, which has been losing momentum in recent days.

The outgoing president defended his project, which notably provides for retirement at 65. “There is no social state, there is no welfare state, if there is not a productive state. (…) So I assume, yes, to tell you that we will have to work more », he launched. But he also posed as a defender of purchasing power: “I will never bring myself to see working French people see all their salaries go full of gas, bills, rents and finally give up giving a gift to their children. »

While a possible second round duel opposing him to Marine Le Pen is taking shape, Emmanuel Macron has reserved his criticisms for the far right, denouncing a “great stunting” (reference to the “great replacement” thesis): “They can leave the euro one morning and return to Europe in the evening. Nobody, ever, notices their inconsistencyestimated the president-candidate. Their program, however, would ruin small savers, collapse their purchasing power, bankrupt their pensions. »

Reportage : Article reserved for our subscribers our story of Emmanuel Macron’s meeting

… the other candidates too

In Toulouse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon called on the left to rally behind him.

The competitors of the outgoing president were not left out. The Republican candidate Valérie Pécresse, at a meeting in Paris on Sunday, criticized Emmanuel Macron: “ Where is its program on security? Where is his project on immigration? Where is his project on the debt? », she wondered. “SIf you prefer a woman who dares to those who gloss, join me! »she launched.

In Toulouse, Jean-Luc Mélenchon insisted on the importance of this election “decisive, even if in some respects absurd, since it entrusts so much power to one man”. The Popular Union candidate once again called on left-wing voters to vote for him in the first round: “Whatever you think of L’Union Populaire or me, or these stupid conversations about my character, the country is in a state of emergency. »

Fabien Roussel in Villeurbanne, Jean Lassalle in Pau, Philippe Poutou then Anne Hidalgo at the Cirque d’hiver, in Paris… without forgetting Nathalie Arthaud, Yannick Jadot and Eric Zemmour, traveling to Paris, Compiègne and Marseille respectively. The other candidates were also on deck for one of the last highlights of the official campaign, which will end on Friday April 8 at midnight.

Minute by minute: Relive the political day of Sunday April 3

In Corsica, a new demonstration for Yvan Colonna

A new demonstration for Yvan Colonna took place on Sunday April 3 in Ajaccio.

Several thousand people demonstrated Sunday afternoon in Ajaccio for Yvan Colonna. They demanded “justice and truth” for the independence activist, fatally attacked in prison on March 2, chanting “murderous French state”. At least 3,800 people took part, authorities said, with organizers claiming 14,000 participants.

Clashes erupted on the sidelines of the protest, and people dressed in black were seen throwing flaming projectiles towards the police station, according to daily pictures Corse-Matin.

Read also: Death of Yvan Colonna: clashes break out in Ajaccio on the sidelines of the demonstration in support of the independence activist

In Hungary, Viktor Orban remains in power

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban celebrates the victory of his Fidesz party in the legislative elections on April 3, 2022, in Budapest.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban claimed, on Sunday evening, “an exceptional victory” after his success in the legislative elections, which paved the way for him to a fourth term in a row at the head of the country, the fifth of his career.

“Dear friends, we have won an exceptional victory – a victory so great that you can probably see it from the moon, and certainly from Brussels”said the sovereigntist leader, who often has a contentious relationship with the European Union, in a short speech after the publication of partial official results which credit him with a clear victory against the coalition of six opposition parties.

To analyse : Article reserved for our subscribers In Hungary, the opposition in search of a “miracle” in the countryside

And also

  • Sevran. A white march was organized on Saturday in memory of the motorist killed by the police. The official who fired the shot was indicted on Saturday.
  • Energies. The manager of the French electricity network, RTE, predicts a tense situation Monday morning because of the cold and calls on companies and individuals to reduce their consumption.
  • Cold wave. Many departments were affected Friday and Saturday by an unusual cold snap for the season. Farmers fear the consequences on their crops.
  • Rugby. Les Bleues largely won against Ireland on Saturday (40-5).
  • League 1. Winner 4 to 2 of Saint-Etienne while their rivals for the podium Rennes and Nice were neutralized (1-1), Olympique de Marseille carried out the good operation of the weekend. Eight days before the end of the championship, he is now in second place, three points ahead of Rennes and five ahead of Nice and Strasbourg.
  • Cycling. Dutchman Mathieu van der Poel won his second round of Flanders, two years after his first victory in this classic.

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