Helium gas from the universe 14 billion years ago is leaking from the Earth’s core – BBC News Thai

by time news

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Helium-3 gas which is one of the rarest isotopes Is leaking from the Earth’s core (Earth’s core) of metal, scientists have found that this type of helium gas is tens of billions of years old. which is almost equal to the birth of our universe

The helium-3 gas which was created shortly after the Big Bang incident. Often densely deposited in the nebula that gave birth to the solar system, or solar nebula, and contained in the Earth’s core in unprecedented amounts. making it possible to indicate that Earth was born in the center of such a kind of nebula, which is still in its powerful age. not at the outer edge or within the near-decaying nebula. which has less helium-3 gas

The above research report has been published in the journal Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems on Mar. 28 by a team of geophysicists from the US University of New Mexico. A computer model was created to estimate helium-3 gas. How much is there in the core of the world? About 2 kg per year of the gas leaks from the mid-ocean ridge.

Dr. Peter Allson, who led the research team, said: Helium-3 gas that leaks from the Earth’s core into the mantle and the confluence of the ocean bottom plates; There are very few of them each year. It can only inflate a balloon to the size of a desk. In addition, helium-3 gas It is also the least abundant isotope of helium, accounting for only 0.0001% of all helium on Earth.

However, when such data was compared and calculated with the data from computer modeling, which simulates the state of the core of the world when it was just born When the Earth was hit by an ancient planet, it lost mass and gave birth to the Moon. make estimates that the amount of helium-3 gas that remains in the core of the world After facing the above two events Probably there are still about 10 billion kilograms – 900,000 million kilograms ever.

image source, NASA / ESA


This Hubble image shows the Lagoon Nebula, which contains a lot of helium-3 gas.

The amount of helium-3 gas In the core of the world that is much larger than expected It may be an indication that The Earth was born in an extremely dense gas environment. For example, in the solar nebula that still has a high star power and solar system.

but nevertheless The estimation by computational method of computer modeling It still cannot be taken as a one hundred percent definite conclusion. The research team therefore proposes to conduct further studies to test the validity of this calculation. For example, the amount of other elements in the Earth’s core may be examined for comparison. such as hydrogen, which comes from within the nebula and leaks from the Earth’s core as well.

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