Now it’s official: Adva Dadon and Gilad Shlamor are divorced

by time news

After eight years of a pathogenic relationship that began somewhere in the newsrooms, the journalists Adva Dadon and Gilad Shlamor Divorced definitively in the rabbinate. After a long factory of rumors and incessant denials, about half a year ago it was reported that the two separated forces four years after the wedding and only a year after giving birth to their eldest daughter Ilan and now they are divorced for all intents and purposes. The two appeared this morning in the rabbinical court in Tel Aviv and ended this chapter of their lives.

The criminal reporter and the Keshet News desk reporter became the subject of coverage from the gossip columns following the interesting relationship and in June 2017 were married in a well-publicized wedding. In January 2020 they became parents for the first time. A few days after the farewell was announced, Shlamor brought up a story that apparently indirectly called the farewell, filmed the sunrise and wrote: “When you woke up and let the softness of the sunrise heal the pain of your aching soul. Know you oh know, you got up too soon.”

Adva Dadon, Gilad Shlamor, Irina Shlamor (Photo: Asi Cohen)

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