Night entertainment trades fully operational from April 19, headlines, Singapore News

by time news

4 Apr 2022 18:15 | Modified date / time: 4 Apr 2022 19:45

Two years later, all nightclubs in Singapore will be fully operational from April 19.

The Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Home Affairs jointly announced this on Monday (April 4).

Businesses, including nightclubs and halls, have not been allowed to operate since the outbreak of the Kovit-19 epidemic. The government announced on March 24 that certain measures would be taken.

Assuming security, Kovit-19 security measures are in place in such trades.

The same safety measures that apply to food and beverage outlets, liquor stores, live creative events, etc., will apply to night entertainment trades, if appropriate.

They also include safety measures based on vaccination.

Customers should check the ART before heading to places such as nightclubs and disco ballrooms where Adic plays.

The ART test should be performed by a licensed testing provider licensed by the Ministry of Health to supervise directly or remotely.

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