Russia accused of “genocide” by a Europe that discusses new sanctions

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Emmanuel Macron said on Monday “in favor” of the European Union deciding on new sanctions vis-à-vis Russia, after the discovery of hundreds of civilian bodies in the kyiv region.

“What happened in Boutcha imposes a new set of sanctions and very clear measures,” the French president told France Inter. “So we will coordinate with our European partners, in particular Germany” in “the next few days”, he added, referring to individual sanctions and measures on “coal and oil”.

sentence of the day

“Murderers, torturers, rapists, looters…”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky castigated Russian troops who he said were “murderers, torturers, rapists, looters” after the massacre of civilians uncovered in Boutcha.

The images of dozens of corpses in mass graves or littering the streets around the Ukrainian capital this weekend, following the Russian withdrawal, revolted Westerners, like the head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, speaking of ‘punched in the stomach’.

The number of the day

18.300. This is the number of Ukrainian soldiers killed since the beginning of the conflict according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. The latter, which regularly publishes a balance sheet of Russian losses in the military field, estimates that 18,300 the number of Kremlin soldiers who have lost their lives since the start of the invasion. According to kyiv, 134 Russian helicopters and 147 planes were also shot down. The figures of the war are difficult to estimate and are a major issue of the conflict, they are therefore always to be taken with great caution. For the moment, no independent count could be made.

The trend of the day

In line with President Emmanuel Macron’s statements, the EU is “urgently” discussing new sanctions against Moscow, also demanded by Germany, after the massacres in the kyiv region, the EU’s high representative said on Monday. Joseph Borrell. The EU “condemns in the strongest terms the reported atrocities committed by Russian armed forces in several occupied Ukrainian towns, which have now been liberated”, it added in a statement.

The unanimity of the Twenty-Seven is necessary for the adoption of new measures. If a consensus is found during the meeting of ambassadors, it must then be validated by the capitals. Will European leaders finally hit hard after the recent events in Ukraine? This is all the hope for these next few days.

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