‘If it was not me – it’s 20 children killed’: The undercover wounded recovers

by time news

T., a veteran fighter in the Border Police’s undercover unit, opened his eyes only three days ago. Until then he had been resuscitated and anesthetized after being fatally wounded by bullets fired at him by the terrorists who carried out the murderous attack in Hadera.

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Tonight (Monday), in an interview he gave to the main edition of News 12, T. recounted the shootout he fought with his friends in front of the two terrorists, until he was fatally wounded and lost consciousness.

T. and his friends heard the terrorists firing on their way to a restaurant in Hadera. They stopped the vehicle on the side of the road and started running towards the source of the shooting with guns drawn. “You already hear bundles of M16s that are already on a much larger scale,” recalls T. “First of all, the goal was to get to the point as quickly as possible, because if they were to go downhill – it would be a massacre.

“If it’s not me and Y. who was with me and not L. – it’s 20 children killed.”

He adds: “They came upon them with M16 ammunition when they did not actually have M16. I mean, they were waiting for the place to kill soldiers to take the M16 from them. “

“I run to get there as fast as possible. He ran in the direction of the shooting, “he recalled. “Then I recognize, 10 meters in front of me I recognize one, they were probably two, I recognize one, who opened fire on me. I snatch, I fall, I’m still breathing, I have no problem. I go on, get up, I wait for him, give him a few more balls, he bends over. I’m waiting for him, it seems to me one more time, he’s standing – I give him bullets and then he disappears for me, and then I snatch… snatches from the south balls, shards, I do not know what I snatch. There I was abducted. “

The two terrorists fired dozens of bullets at T.

MDA paramedics evacuated him to Hillel Yaffe Hospital with record speed, respirated and anesthetized. His life was saved thanks to the medical staff.

“I have already thought about the worst of all. At first I thought it was my son, the soldier, when I saw the “I fainted,” said his wife.

T. was transferred to Tel Hashomer Hospital, where he will undergo a lengthy rehabilitation procedure, until he is finally out of danger.

But for him he is already fit to return to the unit and his fighters as early as tomorrow.

L., another fighter in the Border Police’s undercover unit who attacked the terrorist in the attack in Hadera, was hospitalized in the orthopedic department of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center after his condition was defined as mild, but the day after his hospitalization he felt pain and stab wounds in one of his eyes.

“It started with a bothersome tingling and stabbing and at first I asked my partner to look if I could get an eyelash in my eye,” he says, “but she did not see anything, and yet the stabbings did not go away.”

Since L. was still hospitalized, he contacted the staff of the orthopedic department and was referred for examination at the eye clinic. At the clinic, they immediately saw that a fragment was stuck in the eye, the result of a splash from one of the bullets fired at him during the attack in Hadera.

“At first we tried to remove in routine ways, with a professional assessment with the help of an OCT device,” describes Dr. Uri Sheir, a senior physician in the ophthalmology department of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center. Fear of material damage to vision and even danger of losing vision. “

In surgery, the shard was removed in its entirety, carefully, and without compromising the integrity of the eye. This week, L. visited an eye clinic for follow-up, where he was met by Dr. Sheer L.

“At first we tried to remove in routine ways with a professional assessment with the help of an OCT device,” describes Dr. Uri Sheir, a senior physician in the ophthalmology department of Hillel Yaffe Medical Center. For material damage to vision and even danger of loss of vision. “

In surgery, the shard was removed in its entirety, carefully, and without compromising the integrity of the eye. This week, L. visited an eye clinic for follow-up, where Dr. Sheier met him for a re-examination.

“What started with the thought that it was an eyelash, became a shard,” L. concludes the injury to his eye.

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