The documentation that excites France: Was the young Jew run over in an accident or murdered?

by time news

Was the death of Jeremy Cohen the 14th, a 31-year-old Jew wearing a kippah, who was run over to death on February 16 by a streetcar in the town of Bovini in the suburbs of Paris, silenced for political reasons?

According to a report by Yoav Zehavi in ​​”Here News”, Arik Zamor, the Jewish candidate running in the French presidential election, accused today (Monday), in a tweet he posted on Twitter, that the media in the republic covered the affair of his death.

“Why do even the media, a politician or a member of the government talk about the death of Jeremy Cohen, who was badly beaten by scum?” He wondered.

Zamor’s serious accusation comes following a video revealed today by Cohen’s family, in which a group of Muslims is seen harassing Cohen. He was severely beaten, fell to the ground, but managed to get up. A few seconds later, while trying to escape the attackers, he ran onto the nearby road – just as a tram that hit him was passing by.

Due to the severity of the injury, he was fatally wounded, was rushed to a hospital and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Zamor claims that the young man went through a lynching “before fleeing without seeing a tram approaching.”

According to reports in France, Cohen’s two brothers, who suspected that this was not an accidental trampling incident but a nationalist attack, toured the arena and managed to obtain the video documenting his harassment and trampling.

According to a report on Radio Shalom, Cohen’s brothers obtained the video after distributing leaflets throughout the area, and asked eyewitnesses to the event to contact them and provide them with videos or any other information in their possession.

Arab tenants who live opposite the attack site, and photographed everything, revealed the videos to his family.

Marin Le Pen, the far-right candidate for the presidency of France, also tweeted on Twitter today, writing: “At the end of February, Jeremy Cohen was murdered, he crashed under a tram while fleeing after being beaten by a gang. “What was presented as an accident may turn out to be an antisemitic murder.”

Following the efforts of Cohen’s family, the French legal system decided to reopen the case at the end of March, and the case is now being investigated under the definition of “intentional violence that led to unintentional death in the first place”.

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