Beg: “Do not distribute videos of a terrorist attack”

by time news
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Created the satisfaction and curiosity to share various videos and documentation from the scene of the attack, causing injustice and pain to families who lost their loved ones in the attacks. The families are begging to stop with this, according to the publication today (Monday) in Yedioth Ahronoth.

Tal Yitzhak, whose wife, Laura the 14th, was brutally murdered in a terrorist attack in Be’er Sheva, wrote on his social network account: “I ask every citizen in the country to delete the hard-hitting video documenting my wife’s murder and stop sharing it on social media.”

Yitzhak shared what happened to him minutes after the attack: “The whole world knew before me that Laura was murdered. To this day I do not want to see it. It was not caught: she was murdered at 16:07. I was there at 16:26. These minutes this video has been running. Send my daughter the video and ask her if it’s her mother. My daughters have smartphones. They told me they did not see and I believe them. I am sorry that people share like this. We have lost all basic emotion? We send it to the whole world. “

“A law should be enacted to put an end to this. Anyone who makes such a film should be punished. I do not know when the video will jump on my girl, or my wife’s mother, or me. I urge people not to have a light hand on the keyboard. No one wants to get anything. “People saw what I was afraid to see,” Yitzhak added with pain.

Shani Dayan, the cousin of Shirel Aboukaret, 14, who was killed in the shooting attack in Hadera, said that after the attack she watched the documentation of her murder – without knowing that it was her, she said: How I would cope. So far I’m anxious. I know I watched and saw her in her last moments. Do not know how long I will be with this trauma. The video plays in my head at every moment. “

“Distributing videos of terrorist attacks,” Dayan says painfully, “is a terrible phenomenon. They go through fire in a field of thorns. I swore to Shirel’s mother not to see this video. It would hurt her even more. She was all shivering when she heard about it. And she asked, ‘What, Do you see everything? ‘ We have to stop it. “

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