Ines Osinaga will develop the project ‘The sea is the only way’ with the help of the Joseba Jaka grant

by time news

Joxemari Sors, ​​Sara Zozaya, Ines Osinaga and Jon Eskisabel, this Tuesday in San Sebastián. / together

Through music and the stories of ten women, “it will give us a better understanding of Cuban culture, history and society”


Mondragón-based musician and singer Ines Osinaga will be able to develop the project ‘Itsasoa is the only way’ with the help of a Joseba Jaka grant from the Elkar Foundation. The jury’s decision will be announced on Tuesday, and the scholarship will be awarded in May at the Elkar Awards Ceremony. Osinaga will receive 10,000 euros (5,000 for creativity and the rest during Elkar studio hours) and will have one year to record the album.

Jury members Joana Barbier, Sara Zozaya Apalategi and Jon Eskisabel Urtuzaga preferred the project ‘The sea is the only way’ and what they will complete with content. ‘

They found the project “ambitious and artistically interesting” because it proposes “a journey or a dialectical relationship with the album Gosariak, published eight years ago” because it “proposes to recreate and reinterpret the songs of that album in a different context”. To these must be added ten new songs “created and recorded during the development process of the project”.

Important recognition

The record is not, however, the sole purpose of the project. Although the project will be carried out on the album, ‘The Sea is the Only Way’ is a larger project, “because it will provide a better understanding of Cuban culture, history and society through the stories of ten women.” In fact, women are very important in the project: “The creator of the project, the protagonists of the new songs and the musicians who will take part in the album are women.”

Ines Osinaga herself announced the project, which she will be working on with the grant, stressing that the award will give her a big boost in the creative process. “The creative process isn’t easy, some people think it’s a sudden affair and it’s not. There are many difficulties and crises involved; I have to throw in at least ten drafts before I get a good result. In this sense, the recognition that this scholarship gives me is very important to me. ”

He said that the project has three parts. The first will be for research and creative work; the second will be used to work on the material, after which the A and B sides of the disc will be removed. The first part took place in Cuba, during her stay in Havana, where she had the opportunity to “meet a lot of very interesting women musicians”. The work will be complemented by the collaborations and versions it is receiving.

Joxemari Sors, ​​president of the Elkar Foundation, recalled that after a break in rethinking, the Joseba Jaka Scholarship was relaunched in 2016, when it was decided to have a creative scholarship and decide on each call for cultural expressions to support creativity. In previous years, it has been a grant for literary and theatrical creativity, and this year’s call has been to support music projects.

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