in Milan the frontiers of art-

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At the Museo della Permanente “Dart 2121”, an updated radiograph of the state of the art Nft not only in Italy, and a tribute to one of the protagonists of the Eighties of a meeting between traditional work and Nft art (buying a Nft, acronym for Non-Fungible Token, you get hold of a registered ownership certificate linked to a copy of a digital work). Exceptional testimonial: the unstoppable Banksy with his triptych The Flower Thrower visible both in the original and through the NFt of the original through the platform .artmirable. To certify this handover twenty artists of the Nft generation with their works: Kevin Abosch, Andrea Bonaceto, Andrea Chiampo, Vittorio Bonapace, Federico Clapis, SIX N. Five with his environmental installations, Luna Ikuta with her research on flowers and their breath.

To frame this meeting the Dart / Dynamic Art Museuman innovative museum project conceived by Piergiulio Lanza and created with Riccardo Manfrin, which presents the second edition of the exhibition on the ground floor of the Museo della Permanente in Milan until 24 May Dart 2121. Nft Art of the future, in fact, an updated radiograph of the NFT state of the art not only in Italy (for Thursday 7 April from 18.30 to 21 there will be a private opening in the presence of the artists). Flanked by an exhibition homage to Keith Haring (Private Collections. Keith Haring. Poster Prints Editionsthird episode of the project The masterpieces of private collections) who wants to celebrate
his role as the great master of the Eighties and the father of Street Art, but also as a forerunner of that search for new languages ​​that would give rise to the NFt. A journey divided between serigraphs, lithographs, prints that represent only some of the media experimented by the artist to tell central themes of his poetics, such as disinformation on AIDS, the danger of nuclear power plants or the study of erotic and advertising subjects.

Among the works of Haring (1958-1990) present at the Museo della Permanente a selection of works made for the Neapolitan gallery owner Lucio Amelio, who had invited Haring to Italy in 1983, and the pop up Luna Luna, a Poetic Extravaganza, created in 1986 for the Luna Luna theme park in Hamburg, to which other artists such as Basquiat, Beuys, Hockney, Lichtenstein would collaborate. Finally, the posters for the Montreaux Jazz Festival of 1983 and 1986, and the advertising posters by Haring for the Bayer Suite (1983) and per Lucky Strike (1987). The second edition of the Dart proposes a series of important innovations. Starting with the introduction of the Metaverso, a virtual world parallel to the real one through which Dart aims to study and activate the interaction between art and virtual entertainment. Several metaverses involved: The Sandboxwhich is also the main sponsor of the exhibition, is an interactive world built on virtual lands where users can create, play and monetize within the various experiences. In this universe, based on Blockchain technology, every digital object is an NFT and can be created and sold using a proprietary currency, “creating real economic interactions between its users and thus proving ideal also for digital artists and developers of videogames and interactive experiences”.

The metaverse also finds space in the exhibition
Decentralan with the special project Vegas City Arts Villagethe commercial district with the highest attendance containing 85 self-managed galleries with a focus on digital art; Spatialcontainer of spaces used for the display and use of digital creations in the creative cultural field, characterized by the fact of making use of an advanced video scanner capable of faithfully reproducing the human figure of the user; Arium, which allows artists and curators to create interactive exhibition experiences and connect in a shared social space. In addition to the Dart himself who will present his own Dart Dynamic Metaverse, within which the current exhibitions in the museum and two exclusive special exhibitions will be visible. The second novelty is that for the first time in a museum space, a wide selection of Collectibles, digital creations made mainly through Artificial Intelligence algorithms. How GreenLighta Nft project with an ecological background that combines digital arts and sustainability. Or how Piecesthe first work of art that presents the digital image of the same artist, Eva Generosi, divided into 350 tokens.

April 5, 2022 (change April 5, 2022 | 20:55)

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