Ukrainian War, Al Bano: ” Amazed by Putin, he was about to receive the Nobel Peace Prize ”

by time news

“At the moment the war is between NATO and Russia. D

to the things that I have known, to Putin they had predicted that NATO was about to take Ukraine under his protectorate.
the for Putin I sang five times, I never expected a similar reaction from him. “So Al Bano to on the war in Ukraine. ” Let’s not forget – continues the singer – that he was about to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and ‘Time’ magazine had called him ‘the man of the year’. Moreover Putin had good relations with everyone, even with Berlusconi and was a good Orthodox. I really am amazed at how he reacted. ” For Al Bano the only way to avoid war was to ” use the weapons of intelligence and diplomacy. We can’t get to World War III “conclude.

Al Bano then attacks the former director of Rai2 Carlo Freccero, after the controversy that arose following his words on the Russian massacre of Bucha, in Ukraine. “How do you deny the truth? I hope it’s not a way to get noticed. It is dramatic that there are people like this – underlines the singer – I respect all those who have different ideas, even from mine, mHow do you say that war is a film? If only it were a movie! I host a Ukrainian mother here in Cellino with her son and two pupils she looked after – he says – all fled from the war and when I saw the youngest child, who is 7, had two black spots on his eyes because he had been in a shower of bombs. I got the chills!”. Al Bano says that he has a cousin who has hosted Ukrainian boys since the time of Chernobyl and ” now that the time of the bombs has come – says Al Bano – thanks to my cousin I have managed to help these poor people ”, she concludes .

(at Alisa Toaff)

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