Nicolas Zepeda, the fortress of denial

by time news
Nicolas Zepeda (center) speaks with his lawyers, on the first day of his trial, at the Besançon courthouse, March 29, 2022.

The interrogation of Nicolas Zepeda had hardly begun, Tuesday April 5, that already it was necessary to be resigned: we do not know nor how Narumi Kurosaki was killed, in room 106 of the student residence of Besançon, the night from 4 to December 5, 2016, or where his body was concealed.

Is it you that we see thirteen times on the CCTV images of the residence?

– No, it’s not me, Mr. President.

– Were you the one who was seen twice, by two students, hiding in the kitchen of this residence?

– I am not that person.

Nicolas Zepeda is not ” that person “ sickly jealous, obsessed for weeks with the break-up imposed on her by her Japanese ex-girlfriend, breaking into her mailboxes, checking the photos of her male friends on her Facebook wall, doggedly tracking down proof of her regained freedom and his new love happiness. He is not ” that person “mired in distress and wounds of pride, who secretly prepares a trip from Santiago de Chile to Besançon, buys a five-litre can of flammable liquid, matches and detergent upon arrival, spy for three nights and two days the window of the student’s room 106, invites her to dinner, makes her disappear, and in the days that follow usurps her IP addresses on social networks to try to reassure all those who are worried about the absence of the young woman, before returning to her country.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Nicolas Zepeda, his deadly jealousy, and the unbearable freedom of Narumi Kurosaki

No, the young man, from a practicing and wealthy Catholic Chilean family, eldest and only boy of three siblings, son spoiled by his mother and designated heir to his father’s professional success, born can not be that person, guilty of murdering Narumi Kurosaki.

Once, only once, Nicolas Zepeda wavered

What is the dizzying accumulation of evidence, in images, in testimonies, in telephone and computer expertise, in thousands of exhumed messages, in irrefutable cross-checking of all this data, in the face of parents who, from the first suspicions, have built a fortress around their son? Who called on one of the largest law firms in Santiago to ensure that the young Chilean should never be held accountable by French justice? Who, when the unthinkable happened – his extradition to France and the prospect of appearing before an assize court – chose Me Jacqueline Laffont, one of the most renowned lawyers in Paris, counsel to a former President of the Republic, to represent him? Who, before the opening of the trial, multiplied the interviews in the press to proclaim his innocence? Who, since Tuesday, March 29, have been sitting in the front row of the public, their eyes glued to the box of the accused? And who, on Tuesday April 5, were authorized by President Matthieu Husson to have lunch and talk to him, just before he was questioned?

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