Intestinal virus, what to eat and drink to get better

by time news

Intestinal virus, what to eat and drink: hydration is very important. To avoid milk and derivatives

The gastroenteritis it is a very common ailment and by most known as intestinal flu. This pathology is caused by some bacteria (salmonella, shigella, etc) and by different types of intestinal virus (rotviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses and enteric adenoviruses). Sufferers usually experience symptoms such as stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases even fever. Usually the symptoms disappear after a few days but the intestinal virus disappears definitively only in a longer time. When hit by intestinal virus, what to eat and drink? Nutrition is very important in reducing the symptoms of gastroenteritis. Here are doctor’s advice Alessandro Fugazzagastroenterologo in Humanities.

Intestinal virus, what to eat and drink

When you suffer from gastroenteritis it is essential to hydrate as much as possible especially when you have vomiting and diarrhea, as large quantities of mineral salts and liquids are lost. In addition towater it is recommended to take tea, herbal tea but also vegetable soup and of meat light. When symptoms are relieved and your appetite returns you can go back to consuming complex carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread e potatoes Besides White meat e fish.

As for the vegetables, the carrots and as fruit the banana. On the other hand, products rich in fibers that increase bowel movements should be avoided. Other foods not recommended are wholemeal, fatty and very spicy and seasoned ones. Also the latte and all its derivatives are not recommended as the intestinal virus decreases the enzyme lattasi which help digest them. The risk is that dysentery will increase.

In terms of drugs, the expert recommends taking antiemetici, which reduce nausea and vomiting, e antidiarrheal. Probiotics are also very useful for restoring the intestinal flora. The antibioticson the other hand, unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, they are generally not needed.

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