War in Ukraine live: an oil depot destroyed by the Russian army near Dnipro in the East

by time news

The essential

  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to the UN Security Council on Tuesday. The Ukrainian president called on the United Nations to exclude Russia and withdraw its right of veto.
  • Russian forces have sent “tens of thousands” of Ukrainians to Russia, accuses Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • The European Union is preparing a new package of sanctions, which could concern coal, oil and banks.


The industrial sector in decline in Germany

Industrial orders in Germany fell more than expected in February, reports Reuters. Deterioration in foreign demand, supply difficulties, explosion in energy prices and uncertainty linked to the war in Ukraine contribute to this situation.


Turkey calls for an investigation into Boutcha’s corpses

“The images of the massacre, which were published in the press from various regions including Boutcha and Irpin near kyiv, are shocking and sad for humanity”, writes the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release. His country calls for an independent investigation into the bodies found in Boutcha


Burning car at the Russian Embassy in Romania

A car crashed into the Russian Embassy in Bucharest, Romania. It caught fire and the driver died. Between accident or voluntary act, the reasons for this crash are unknown for the moment.


Russian strike at Dnipro

A Russian airstrike targeted an oil depot in Dnipro. No human toll has been given for the moment, reports the Ukrainian media The Independent Kyiv.


British ambulances

The British health service (NHS) will send around 20 ambulances to Ukraine. The goal is to replace some of those destroyed by the Russian army.


“Indiscriminate violence is in the Russian military DNA”

Defense consultant of the “Parisien” – “Today in France”, Pierre Servent, expert in military strategy, explains that “blind violence is in the Russian military DNA”. He develops his argument by taking several historical examples from the beginnings of the Second World War (1939-1945) to the Russian intervention in Syria in the 2010s. always dirty (…) But the more wars are waged by democratic states, acting within the framework of UN, NATO or other mandates, the more the risks of drift are controlled. His interview can be read in our dedicated article.


Twitter limits reach of Russian government accounts

Twitter announces new measures against Russian government accounts to reduce the circulation of official Russian propaganda on the social network. These official accounts will no longer be “recommended” to users in any category of the site or app, including search. “We will not facilitate the dissemination (messages) state government accounts that limit free access to information and are involved in armed conflicts between states, whether Twitter is blocked in that country or not.


“Brutal” Russians in Boutcha

“Right in front of my eyes, they shot a man who was going to get food from the supermarket.” Asked by AFP, Olena, a resident of Boutcha, describes this scene and gives details about the Russians who occupied the town. “In the beginning, there were mostly young soldiers (Russian). Then, two weeks later, there were others. Older, they were over 40 years old. They were brutal. They mistreated everyone. And that’s where the massacres began, ”describes the one who lived in the shelter with her children aged 7 and 9 in the cellars without electricity of an HLM building.

According to Olena, these older men “were very well equipped, they wore black and dark green uniforms”, not Russian regular army uniforms.

“There were good guys among the Russian soldiers and there were very tough men, especially FSB officers,” the Russian security services, she says. Only women were allowed to go out to fetch water or food.


NATO meeting

Ukraine is on the program of the meeting today and tomorrow in Brussels (Belgium) of the foreign ministers of the countries of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), indicates the secretary general of the Alliance Jens Stoltenberg. He specified that they will also discuss with their Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kouleba the needs of the Ukrainian forces. “I don’t want to give details, but the supply of anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft defense systems is being considered.”

NATO only intervenes militarily to defend its members when one of them is attacked or under UN (United Nations) mandate. Ukraine is not a member, but nothing prevents the thirty NATO countries from providing military aid.


Explosions heard in Lviv region

Explosions took place on Tuesday evening in the town of Radekhiv, 70 kilometers from Lviv, the big city in western Ukraine, a local official said. “Everyone stays safe”, wrote on Telegram Maksym Kozitskiï, head of the regional military administration.


New sanctions

The United States plans to adopt new sanctions today, in coordination with the European Union and the G7, aimed in particular at prohibiting “all new investment” in Russia.

The US Treasury announced on Tuesday that it no longer allows Moscow, the Russian capital, to repay its debt with dollars held in US banks.

The European Union (EU), for its part, promised new sanctions “this week”. The European Commission has proposed that the Twenty-Seven cease their purchases of Russian coal, which represents 45% of EU imports, and that they close their ports to ships operated by Russians.


Washington announces an additional $100 million

The United States announced on Tuesday that it would release additional security aid to Ukraine of up to 100 million dollars, approximately 91 million euros. This is “to meet an urgent Ukrainian need for additional Javelin anti-tank systems, which the United States has provided to Ukraine and which it has so effectively used to defend our country”, said in a press release the holder. – Pentagon spokesman, John Kirby.

The head of American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, said that this additional assistance brought to 1.7 billion dollars (about 1.55 billion euros) the American security aid allocated to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion on February 24.


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The war in Ukraine is entering its 41st day of fighting. Follow the latest news of the conflict in our direct.

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