weight control tips not cruel to health Good shape, good health | RYT9

by time news

want to eat must be able to eat sitting behavior table patient Fight life but life fight back Not counting the pollution and germs that surround us every day. Today’s lifestyle and lifestyle make people consume food and snacks as they please. And most of them are food that is not nutritious and causes the body to get more energy than it needs. Recruiting delicious food that can meet life’s needs at every opportunity. whether to celebrate Relieve stress or eat according to the trend. These delicious foods are often high-energy foods such as sweet, fried, salty, and oily, causing fat accumulation in the body easily. especially around the abdomen It’s not just food that destroys health. but various technologies And working from home conditions that make it less active also reduce daily energy consumption and cause sugar to accumulate. It is also another factor that decreases metabolism as well. In addition, stress is a major culprit in the abnormal blood sugar control system. These risks If left for a long time, it can cause many non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Amway cares about the health of Thai people. Introducing a simple trick which is an aid in weight control and helps to exercise longer by increasing fat burning

3 tips to keep in good shape

1. Choose food
Adjust the type of food, the amount of food, and reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, sweet foods that will cause fat and sugar content. You should also adjust the meal times. Eat at regular intervals and do not eat near bedtime. Choose good protein and low-fat foods such as chicken, fish, green leafy vegetables, and fruits, which will help control your diet and provide your body with enough energy. not too much until fat Control your diet so that your body gets enough energy. Not so much that the remainder is stored as body fat.

In addition, they can also choose to take a suitable supplement, such as a supplement containing Garcinia Cambogia extract or Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is one of the active substances that help control. HCA is a citric acid derivative derived from the extract of Garcinia cambogia and plants of the genus Mangosteen. It is a plant that is commonly used to add sour taste in cooking. Nutrition research has shown that HCA is helpful in weight management. By helping to increase fat burning and reduce appetite. Reduce and slow down the digestion of carbohydrates It can slow down the synthesis of fat and cholesterol and stimulate satiety.

2. Adjust behavior Reduce stress and get enough rest.
Stress is one of the major factors that contribute to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and is a major contributor to abnormal blood sugar regulation. Spend your free time relaxing by finding activities you enjoy and adjusting your sleep habits. Each day, the body should sleep 7-8 hours a day. Sleep deprivation prevents the body from using fat. Accumulation of stress and belly fat and waking up exhausted and not refreshed

3. Exercise boost immunity
Appropriate exercise according to your age or condition is the most effective, safe and cost-effective way to control weight and strengthen your immune system. There are many exercise options available these days. Whether it’s home exercise or medical fitness.[ https://www.thaihealth.or.th/Content/25028-]It is recommended to exercise for 10-30 minutes per day, 3 days a week or every other day. Or exercise for 10 minutes. If you feel tired, you can take a break and continue exercising until the 30 minutes are up. Regular exercise will help keep your body and muscles strong. Fresh and energetic, it also helps reduce stress and boost immunity.

It can be seen that taking care of the shape with good health It’s not difficult at all. If there is an intention to change the behavior exercise regularly and choose to eat and learn about dietary supplements that are suitable for the body

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