Online sports betting: football stars soon banned from pubs in England, Mbappé’s mother applauds

by time news

An important advance in the regulation of online sports betting is underway on the other side of the Channel. From October 1, celebrities will no longer be allowed to appear in advertisements or other promotional campaigns for prediction game operators.

The Advertising Practices Committee, one of the two British sector regulatory bodies, considers that footballers and influencers “can be considered as bait for children and young people”, especially when they appear in spots which “reflect or are associated with youth culture.

This concerns high-level footballers, but also “all well-known athletes under the age of 18”, reality TV stars, video game characters or popular influencers in this age group on social networks. It should be noted, however, that these rules will not have to apply “in the media where those under 18 can (…) be completely excluded from the hearing of an advertisement”, specifies the regulator in an application guide. of the new regulations.

Most gambling is banned in the UK for those under 18. But about 0.5% of adults in the country are considered “problem gamblers”, or about 430,000 people. The months of confinement during the Covid-19 pandemic have only made the situation worse for many Britons cloistered at home. In recent years, a whole series of measures have already been taken to combat this scourge, from the prohibition of using a credit card to bet, to warning messages on television, passing by the limit of bets in slot machines or raising the age to bet on the national lottery to 18 years. A revision of sectoral rules has been postponed several times to the chagrin of addiction associations.

The Mbappé clan clearly opposed to these practices

In France too, the hype and the communication based on these clichés of rapid social success, especially in working-class neighborhoods, arouse criticism. The commercials broadcast in a loop last summer during the Euro football had been considered invasive by many French people. “The idea is not to have a total ban on advertising, because it has not worked in other countries, indicated in September to the Parisian Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, patron of the National Gaming Authority (ANJ ). A balance must be found, with more responsible and more supervised advertising than it has been, between what the players want, public health, and the interests of the operators. »

There is a French star who is not about to appear in an advertisement of this style. In recent days, Kylian Mbappé has made known his opposition to these practices by refusing to participate in a commercial operation linked to sponsors of the French team, including an online betting site. He returned the cover a few days later by castigating an unwelcome post from the Winamax brand making fun of his father. “The danger of online betting… no longer having a limit. A little respect please, ”he reacted.

It is therefore no coincidence to see his mother relay today the very recent decision taken by the English authorities. Faiza Lamari posted on Twitter cheering emojis to comment on this information.

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