“Measures on oil and gas will be necessary sooner or later”, says the President of the European Council

by time news

From indignation to action, the step is sometimes difficult to cross. And Europe knows something about it, it which has had to juggle since the start of the war in Ukraine between its principles of peace and democracy on the one hand, and its energy dependence and the maintenance of its economic health on the other. On several occasions, Volodymyr Zelensky has also expressed his annoyance in the face of timid decisions and sanctions sometimes limited to the immobilization of yachts.

But the Boutcha massacre could this time overturn the European Union. Confronted with the sight of the bodies of civilians slaughtered, piled up in mass graves, burned, the President of the European Council Charles Michel expressed his “outrage at crimes against humanity, against innocent civilians in Boutcha and in many other towns in front of MEPs in Strasbourg. “Further proof that Russian brutality against the Ukrainian people has no limits,” he added.

Berlin reluctant to do without Russian gas

The European Commission proposed Tuesday to the Twenty-Seven to toughen the sanctions against Moscow, by stopping their purchases of Russian coal, which represent 45% of imports from the EU, and by closing European ports to Russian ships. But Charles Michel wants to go further. “I think that measures on oil and even gas will be necessary sooner or later”, positioned the Belgian official.

But a possible embargo on oil (25% of European purchases) and gas (45% of EU imports) is the subject of bitter discussions between the member states, Berlin having publicly expressed its reluctance. Germany cannot do without “short-term” Russian gas supplies and sanctions against Moscow in this sector would hurt the EU more than Russia, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said on Monday. . Our sanctions “are relevant because they affect Russia much harder than us”, declared the president of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen, in the hemicycle.

Caution is therefore still in order. On the other hand, the Baltic States have already stopped importing Russian gas since the beginning of April. And the Europeans could finally face sanctions… from Russia, which now threatens to refuse to deliver gas to “hostile” countries that refuse to pay in rubles.

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