Silman’s retirement from the right: Elkin, Saar and Shaked warned Bennett a week ago

by time news

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Meet today (Wednesday) with an MK Nir Orbach (Right) and the Minister of the Interior Ayelet Shaked In the Kirya in Tel Aviv. At the end of the round of meetings, Bennett is now holding another meeting with members of the right-wing faction, after which he will meet with the leaders of the coalition parties. This, as part of the battle that is being waged over the remaining MKs remaining on the right after the MK retires Edith Silman From the coalition.

Bennett’s meeting with Auerbach, who was on the verge of retirement, was intended to prevent a move similar to Silman’s after senior Likud officials have been in regular contact with him in recent days. Meanwhile, since the Knesset member’s announcement, the Prime Minister’s Office has been trying to achieve it, but without success.

Naftali Bennett and Idit Silman (Photo: Flash 90)

Silman’s retirement did not reach Bennett like a thunderbolt on a clear day. Elkin, Saar and Shaked had warned him a week earlier that something was brewing around her, and the issue should not be taken lightly.

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The opposition is preparing for the next steps

At the same time, the chairman of the opposition Benjamin Netanyahu There is a meeting with Knesset members on behalf of the Likud party Yariv Levin and Haim Katz On the issue of armor on the party list for those retiring from the coalition. In addition, he is also a member of Netanyahu’s party Ophir Akunis He stated in the Knesset channel that contacts are being held with other coalition members.

“In these minutes, contacts are constantly being made. Now talking to specific people, it can be quick and surprising, it must be by the way in my eyes. People from the historic NRP see Nitzan Horowitz encouraging people to come to hospitals with chametz, it affects. “People came with an ideological charge of the NRP, we also know that. Once it was the Jewish home, today it is to the right,” said the Knesset member.

Apart from Netanyahu, the other opposition parties are also working towards making decisions in the wake of the new situation. Chairman of Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni Holds a consultation at the residence of Maran Rosh Yeshiva Hagar Edelstein Shlita in Bnei Brak.

As mentioned, this morning MK Silman announced her resignation from the coalition. In doing so, the government lost the majority in the Knesset. Nitzan Horowitz Due to the issue of chametz in hospitals.

Silman, who served as chairman of the coalition and chairman of the health committee, is not expected to resign from the Knesset but retire from the right-wing faction, similar to MK Amichai Shikli, who has already resigned in protest of the formation of the government. .

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