Zalansky: “Mariupol is hell, Russia is afraid”

by time news

The Russian Invasion, Day 43: The war between Russia and Ukraine continues and there does not seem to be a solution on the horizon. The siege of the city of Mariupol is reportedly continuing despite the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Kyiv region and elsewhere in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zalansky said: “Mariupol is hell now, thousands have been killed or injured. Russia fears the whole world will see what happened here, they do not want anything to be revealed until they can clear everything.”

Following the release of the harsh images from the town of Bocha, the UN General Assembly will today (Thursday) discuss the US proposal to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council. US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas Greenfield explained the initiative to suspend the Russians: “We believe that Russian forces have committed war crimes in Ukraine, and that Russia should be prosecuted.”

It will be recalled that after the publication of the photos from Bocha, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett maintained a restrained response, and it was actually Foreign Minister Yair Lapid who sharply attacked Russia for the atrocities committed in the city of Bocha in Ukraine and said that these were war crimes.

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