Meretz and Ra’am are pressing together to support the Bennett government

by time news

After the MK Edith Silman Last night, the political system was shaken after announcing its resignation from the coalition. Yair Golan Addressing the storm, he said today (Thursday) in the High Court that “I will not oppose any move that will leave this government intact. “She rescued us from the corrupt hands of Netanyahu and the violent nationalist right. We will do everything to continue to function.”

Simultaneously, Musi Raz, Speaking to Nissim Mashaal and Guy Peleg on 103FM, he said: “The connection between my friend, Minister Horowitz’s directive to uphold the High Court ruling and the retirement, or rather, Silman’s defection, is about the same as the connection between our conversation now and the war in Ukraine. There is no connection between the two. If Silman had a problem with this matter, where has she been 10 months since the government was formed? After all, it was known that there was a ruling by the High Court.

MK Silman v. Minister Horowitz. Photo: Knesset Channel

“She had inhuman pressures that reminded her of a million things, and maybe in the last day there was this thing too, cancel at sixty. I want to remind you that she complained about violence against her, about incessant demonstrations in front of her house. I do not underestimate for a second the pressures she had. “Perhaps inhuman, perhaps very difficult to resist, and if so, it makes this defection something much more serious,” he added.

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He further said that “if you do it (retirement) as a result of stress, then it is not as a result of the values ​​she wrote about, etc. The coalition of this, to be health minister with that one along with Finance Minister Feiglin and another minister Barkat. “

Later, a Meretz MK said, “Most likely this government will remain. I do not think it is paralyzed. Governments can make decisions. I can name a lot of good and bad things that Netanyahu did during his 15 years in office. Almost no law passed by his government was important. This is how it is for the State of Israel. “

Referring to the 2023 budget, MK Musi Raz said that “by then the government needs to solve this problem and achieve a majority. “Apart from that, it can continue to act against crime in Arab society and crime in general, it can continue to collect weapons, continue to improve transportation and health and foreign relations.”

“What important law has this government passed in the last year or the Netanyahu government in its 15 years in power? Now we are not crying over spilled milk. There will be a stronger Knesset, the Knesset will have the power to pass good laws if there are agreements,” he added.

At the end of the conversation, he clarified: “This government is the right-wing in the history of Israel, also perhaps because this Knesset is the right-wing in the history of Israel, so this government did things, straightened the line even before this crisis, more than other governments. See surrender in Eviatar, it “It would not have happened to Netanyahu. See the evacuation in Sheikh Jarrah, such a thing has not happened to Netanyahu for years. See the Citizenship Law, which did not happen to Netanyahu. Such an extreme citizenship law. I think this crisis will be resolved.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Amitai Duak, fm103

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