“Practical”, “ridiculous” or “embarrassing”? Public urinals at the center of all mockery

by time news

A “urinoirgate” in perspective? For the past week, the new public urinals installed in the city of Lyon have become the laughingstock of the Web. A “wacky new idea of ​​environmentalists”, wonder Internet users? “There is a real deficit of public toilets in all corners of the city”, defends the metropolis of Lyon from the outset to justify this decision. Only the aesthetics of the device as well as the absence of doors and privacy in the male urinals have aroused mockery and jeers to the chain. Their location on sites sometimes classified as UNESCO World Heritage sites such as Place Louis-Pradel have raised questions. Starting with those of the elected representatives of the opposition who fired red bullets at the majority.

“In terms of urban integration, we are at the top,” laughs Christophe Geourjon, metropolitan councilor. “When I remember that I could not set up an organic market once a week”, abounds Fouzyia Bouzerda, former deputy to the city of Lyon.

A “good thing for women”

But for the metropolis of Lyon, the controversy has no place. “These are removable structures that are not connected to anything. So there is no need for permission [de l’architecte des bâtiments de France] “, answers the community, specifying that the experiment will be carried out until September. The watchword: that these so much mocked urinals are visible to be used. In the meantime, the inhabitants are divided.

“I think it’s a good thing for us women,” says Laamia, 32. When we have an urge to urinate, either we have to go home, or we have to go to a bar or a restaurant. It is an additional solution provided that a correct level of cleanliness is guaranteed, otherwise it is useless. Marie, 28, says she is “mixed”. She acknowledges that the city “lacks places for women to go to the toilet”. “But these urinals are really in the middle of the square or the banks so it’s embarrassing to go there in front of everyone,” she says.

“I would like to see the mayor come and inaugurate them”

“It could be a good idea if these things protected modesty, unfortunately the male urinals will offer a very sad spectacle to passers-by around the world and in front of the opera”, laughs a student. Alain, 54, has a much more decided opinion: “I find it ridiculous, I can’t understand. As for Matthias, 21, he prefers to laugh. “For girls, there are doors and luckily so. But for men, we have to urinate in front of everyone?, he asks. I don’t want to pee in plain sight! »

“Who’s going to use them there in front of everyone?” Especially since for the boys, there are no doors, ”abounds Alain. And to add ironically: “I would like to see the mayor come to inaugurate them, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? “.

“At the start of the school year, we will learn the lessons from all this and we will see what deserves to be extended or adjusted”, it is indicated to the metropolis, adding that the urinals for men will soon be “turned” so as to preserve more user privacy. “The system was designed to be easy to use. It may be shocking at first sight, but these toilets will quickly become part of the landscape. » Understand that you will eventually get used to it.

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