Do you use your phone while driving? tell us

by time news

Modes of travel, speed, smartphones… On April 5, Axa Prévention unveiled its 18th barometer of the behavior of French people on the road, and some results are quite alarming. At the start of the year, 80% of motorists use their smartphone while driving, compared to 69% in 2021. The uses are multiple: 52% make calls, 45% use their GPS, 34% read or write SMS, 24% watch their notifications and 8% post stories on social networks. Motorists also use their telephone as a work tool: 15% send emails, 6% take part in work meetings. Not to mention motorcyclists, cyclists, scooter users and pedestrians…

A gesture which is not without consequence since it multiplies by three the risk of accident, and by 23 in the event of reading an SMS. It can also be expensive with a fixed fine of 135 € and a withdrawal of 3 points from the driving license. The French, crazy about driving?

Do you use your phone while driving? Why do you consult it (SMS, GPS, calls, etc.)? Have you ever had an accident because of your phone? Have you been fined? Are you addicted to your smartphone to the point of putting others at risk? Does this barometer alert you and make you aware of your driving behavior? Do you think you act differently? You can testify by filling out the form below. Your testimonials will be used to write an article. Thank you in advance.

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