Another step on the way from Ashdod to America – Sturgeon Drop successfully tested its systems

by time news

Storage Drop from Ashdod reported success in experimenting with operating a system for compressing air under pressure

Storage Drop Company from Ashdod reported on April 4, 2222, on the success of an experiment in operating a system for compressing air under pressure

The patented system ((HyDrop) is designed to store air at a pressure of 80 bar (pressure twice as high as the pressure level that competitors were able to compress), regulate energy loads between low and peak hours and provide green electrical energy during peak demand hours – which is ultimately expected Lower electricity tariffs.

The compression was done using a water piston compressor manufactured by the company, another difference from the competitors who use metal pistons and conventional compressors whose efficiency is considered low. The system will be connected to renewable energy facilities and will include 2 elements:

  • The process of charging, i.e. operating water pumps that will compress the air
  • A process of discharging, i.e. discharging the compressed air, circulating water in a closed circuit and operating a water turbine for the purpose of generating electricity.

Although the success of the system depends on the technological feasibility of the water compression system, Sturge Drop is optimistic mainly against the background of a live business comment that calls into question its activity. The success of the experiment is for them an achievement that will allow it two benefits:

  • Reducing the size of the system to half the volume currently in use by competitors
  • Reducing energy storage costs

The success of the experiment is what will enable the operation of the system on the various sites of the Sturge Drop company around the world, for example in the framework of an agreement it signed about two months ago with the US Department of Energy.

Storage Drop CEO Shai Cohen said with the success of the experiment that the technology the company he owns is considered groundbreaking, so it is a green and economical solution for storing energy and therefore has an advantage over competing technologies. According to him, the success of the facility is no less good news for the world of green energy

The chairman of the board of directors of the Stage Drop company, Gadi Eisenkot (former chief of staff), said with the success of the experiment that the system can be of great benefit to the State of Israel and the world. He emphasized that this is a real Israeli pride: not only in an Israeli patent for storing, pushing and operating air that generates discounted electricity during peak hours, but also in utilizing scientific knowledge developed by a Technion graduate.

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