Hebrew News – Fires again: Chloe Kardashian shares a picture of her daughter and angry surfers

by time news

Fire again: Chloe Kardashian shares a picture of her daughter and the surfers are furious

The reality star tends to share with her millions of followers everything that happens in her life, and among other things is proud of many photos of her eldest daughter. But the latest photo Chloe chose to post managed to draw quite a bit of criticism and angry reactions

Chloe Kardashian gave birth nearly four years ago to her eldest daughter, Tru, along with her mythological ex, Tristan Thompson who is known to have betrayed her several times and managed to stir up a big storm across the network, which eventually led to his public apology.

Recently, she decided to share a reality star photo of her daughter, who will be celebrating her fourth birthday in a few weeks, when she appears in it heavily made up. The image, as might be expected, drew fire in a short time, and managed to get hundreds of thousands of surfers to criticize Chloe as a mother.

In the photo, Tru appears with a red blush and a light purple eye shadow. As mentioned, many criticized the star for the fact that she allows her daughter to wear makeup at such a young age. “Why are you doing this?”, “At such an age? Shame, “” Luckily Kenya is not Tru’s father, otherwise he would have gone crazy, “are just some of the reactions the reality star has received.

As you may recall, Chloe was recently at the center of another scandal when she posted a video in which she exercises in the private gym at her home. The surfers actually dealt with the buttocks area of ​​Chloe and claimed that the star implanted implants in her buttocks. The rumors drew a response from Chloe, who said, “You’re just willing to believe all the nonsense,” concluding the issue.

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