more and more holidaymakers are booking at the last minute

by time news



France 2
Article written by

A.Richier, R.Chapelard, T.Gauthier

France 2

France Televisions

As the holidays approach, the French are increasingly opting for last-minute reservations. A trend that has increased since the start of the health crisis.

Geraud Le Roux, Taksea Partner, offers sea excursions. A few days before the start of the holidays for zone B, Thursday April 7, he is making the final adjustments. If his reservation book is not yet full, he knows that he can also bet on holidaymakers who decide at the last moment. In the east of Var, hoteliers are seeing an occupancy rate of 50% for the month of April compared to 32% before the health crisis. Some establishments are preparing to be full, in particular thanks to last-minute tourists.

If it was already taking shape before the health crisis, this trend has developed even more since the arrival of Covid-19. But is it really more economical to do it at the last moment? “It’s not because we wait until the last minute that we’re going to find the best price, in any case the lowest price. A hotel service has a price and after a while, you have to pay the right price”, says Frederic Renard, director of Sowell Saint-Raphaël. This new organization of holidays also allows travelers to adapt their stay according to the weather.

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