Emmanuel Macron intensifies his attacks against Marine Le Pen in an interview with “Parisien”

by time news

For what will undoubtedly be his last major media intervention before the first round, Emmanuel Macron lent himself again, Thursday, April 7, to the exercise of the casual exchange with the readers of the Parisianit was in such a format that he had said, in January, that he wanted “annoy” the unvaccinated. No such protrusion in this edition, but a simple and direct evocation of his campaign and his intentions if he is re-elected.

Regarding the one who seems to be his most dangerous rival, the Head of State judges that “the debate has completely trivialized the speech of Marine Le Pen because she had a formidable campaign manager, who was even more outrageous than her: Mr. Zemmour”. According to him, “as there have been the worst horrors that have been said for six months, we said to ourselves: Marine Le Pen, it’s not that serious. But its fundamentals have not changed: it is a racist program, which aims to divide society and of great brutality. »

Read our analysis on Marine Le Pen: Article reserved for our subscribers A fundamentally far-right program behind a softened image

“When she proposes to lower the VAT [taxe sur la valeur ajoutée] everywhere and to freeze prices without it being known how she intends to achieve this, she is lying to people”he also believes, criticizing the program of the candidate of the National Rally on one of his main campaign axes, the purchasing power of the French.

Then asked about his idea of ​​raising the legal retirement age to 65, Emmanuel Macron assured that the formula “from the office or the factory to the coffin, this was true in the 1970s, when there was a very different life expectancy than today”. He assumed his project, remarking that if he sought to be popular, he would rather give “sugar than salt”.

Hunters “love beasts”

About the family, the Head of State said to himself “proud to have worn the PMA [procréation médicalement assistée] for all “. In contrast, « la GPA [gestation pour autrui], it is very different. It is a woman who will give her body for nine months. If we are honest, it is quite rarely a freedom. At 99% in the world, GPAs are paid »according to him.

Asked about the environment, he pointed out that“today, we are all behind on the commitments we made during the Paris agreements. But France has doubled its greenhouse gas reduction rate during my five-year term. So I refute the term inaction. I paid for all the buddies before and all the local authorities that had to set up low emission zones”. As for hunters, “they love animals”supports the Head of State, who says he sees in them “important players in rurality and the protection of biodiversity”.

He later argued in favor of consulting firms, stating that the American McKinsey, accused of tax evasion, represents only one “pouilleme” billion euros invoiced by these companies to the State and its operators in 2021. “The McKinsey debate is a huge lie and a huge manipulation, it’s not buddies we hire”, he assures.

About health, “We must debureaucratize the hospital to death and reverse the laws that gave the administration power over caregivers”, to his eyes. The president also said he was open to the idea of “to pose the debate” to know whether to recognize the blank vote.

” Chestnuts “

Finally, on the subject of his refusal to debate with the other candidates during the electoral campaign, Emmanuel Macron claims to have been “The president who has debated the most during his term”and to have “made great debates galore”. For him, “The first round is not a confrontation. These are candidates who present their projects. Then, after, it is the debate and, there, there is the castagne ”.

On the electoral ground, the outgoing president even allowed himself to lecture his rivals who constantly attacked him:

When we quote others, we advertise them, that’s the truth. I’m not going to take my speaking time to hit on others, I’m not interested. Five years ago, it was the same, I never talked about my opponents. And it works much better. The others make a huge mistake.

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