Apple fixes Face ID on iPhone X without replacing the entire device.. Know the details

by time news

Thursday, April 7, 2022 11:43 PM

Apple launched a program in March that allows it to fix Face ID on newer iPhones without completely replacing the device, but it left the iPhone X out of the equation — which is frustrating if you’re determined to use this “classic” phone for longer, according to an engadged report.

This shouldn’t be an issue for now, as MacRumors has learned that Apple and authorized repair centers can now fix Face ID on iPhone X without the need for a complete replacement, and your beloved phone should remain intact.

Only the first of these introduced the most targeted fixes for iPhone XS and later models, and the update expands support for all iPhones with Face ID.

The expansion comes as Apple rethinks its public stance on repairs, and the company has made it easier for third-party repair shops to fix displays without breaking Face ID.

She announced a self-service repair program, and while these moves may be in response to public and regulatory pressure, they’re welcome news for anyone hoping to extend the life of an Apple device without exorbitant fees or unnecessary hardware swaps.

Source: Technology: Apple fixes Face ID on iPhone X without replacing the entire device.. Know the details

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