Historian Cardini: “Zelensky comparison is dangerous, doubts about Bucha as about Guernica”

by time news

“Comparisons are dangerous and when Zelensky names Guernica he wants to send us the message that Bucha was the victim of a massacre similar to the massacre carried out, according to him, by the German and fascist bombings during the Spanish civil war, a barbaric act attributed to Franco but on which still today many doubts remain ”. Historian Franco Cardini said this to time.news, commenting on yesterday’s speech to the Spanish parliament by the Ukrainian president, who had compared the massacre of civilians in Bucha to that carried out in the Basque city during the Spanish civil war. “Guernica – explains the historian – was bombed by the Germans and the fascists, but ironically, Zelensky has in his military apparatus groups that refer precisely to Nazism. Ukraine among other things fought during World War II providing entire divisions to the SS and did so out of hatred of Soviet Russia, even if the population felt Russian. That said, the message that Zelensky wants to give is clear and that is that ‘what Putin is doing to us is just as infamous as what the Nazis did in the Europe of the 1930s ”.

In Guernica there was an improvised experiment by means of the air force – recalls the historian – A very important and unprecedented experiment in the 1930s, given that up to that moment there had only been duels between airplanes. There was the experiment of the carpet bombing by means of aviation of a small town, but even on Guernica things have never been clarified: for some historians, in fact, only a few planes would have passed over the Basque city, while the destroyed buildings they would have been undermined by anarchists, as shown by the structure of the ruins and the undamaged asphalt of the roads taken from aerial photographs. So it is thought that the houses exploded from the inside and that it was the retreating anarchists who blew them up. And even Picasso’s painting was an exceptional marketing operation, in which the painter managed to resell a painting he had previously made and which he had dedicated to the death of a friend of his bullfighter, renaming it with the name of ‘Guernica’ “.

“So – continues Cardini – I do not see great similarities between Guernica and Bucha, apart from one, disturbing: today as then it is not clear what happened, doubts were also raised by Toni Capuozzo, a very balanced war journalist. There are elements of doubt both in the Guernica disaster and in the Bucha events. And when Biden tells us certain things, we forget that he is primarily responsible for an international infamy such as maintaining the opening, against all international law, of the Guantanamo prison. And from such a person do we accept that he gives us lessons? We for Bucha have accepted the Ukrainian version as gold standard and when even authoritative people like Toni Capuozzo told us that there are many things that do not add up, we had the opportunity to buy two choices: to laugh or be indignant. But imagine if Capuozzo is with Putin. And to tell the truth, I’m not with him either, I dislike him much more than Stalin ”.

(by Cristiano Camera)

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