Right-wing faction decides: MK Amichai Shikli will be announced as a retiring MK

by time news

The right-wing faction announced today (Thursday) that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and other faction members have decided to declare MK Amichai Shikli retiring. The faction’s announcement states that “MK Shikli chose to grant the faction a divorce and act in complete opposition to its positions, with active and deliberate activity in order to thwart the faction, the coalition and the Israeli government.” The Coalition Minister and her resignation from the Coalition itself.

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According to the statement, “Before and after the vote in the government, all faction members and ministers acted to have an open and fair dialogue with him, out of a desire to allow him to take part in the faction’s activities, the coalition and outline their policies, while listening and respecting his independent positions. “MK Shikli is acting in complete contrast to the faction’s positions and with the intention of thwarting the coalition.”

MK Shikli acted indignantly, in order to thwart the activities of the faction and the coalition, when he was not present in the absolute majority of the Knesset votes, in order to avoid voting against the faction’s position. “In repeated interviews in the media, MK Shikli admitted that this conduct is intentional and tactical in order to try to avoid declaring him a retiree from his faction,” the right-wing added.

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According to them, throughout the winter session, the retiring MK repeatedly voted against the faction’s position, including in the vote on the Citizenship Law declared by the opposition as a vote of no confidence in the government. Of the State of Israel, as a deliberate opposition action, against the government and against the right-wing faction. “

Prime Minister Bennett’s faction also noted that despite his prolonged absences, Shikli did choose to be in the plenum over the three long days, during which they voted to approve the state budget for 2022-2021, in order to vote 651 times along with the opposition. According to them, “Shikli also took an active part in events, demonstrations and protest activities against the government, the right-wing faction and against the prime minister and chairman of his faction, Naftali Bennett.”

Meanwhile, the Knesset committee headed by MK Nir Orbach will convene on Monday, April 25, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the prime minister’s request to declare MK Shikli to resign.

Party The Likud In response to the move, she said that “when Bennett’s weak government collapses, he does not resort to measures and tries to avenge Amichai Shikli, the Knesset member on his list who was elected by the right and remains true to the values ​​for which he was elected. Bennett’s exercise will not work.” “His government of weakness will already fall.”

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