Presidential: voter card, power of attorney… what are the conditions for being able to vote on Sunday?

by time news

Voting is a citizen’s right. The presidential election allows the French to designate their President of the Republic for five years. This year, it is April 10 and 24 that they are called to the polls, for the two rounds of voting.

To be able to vote, it is necessary to be of legal age, to have French nationality and to be registered on the electoral lists. Each French person is automatically registered there on the day of their 18th birthday, provided that they have done their citizen census two years earlier.

You had until March 4 to register on the electoral lists or change your place of voting if you no longer live at the address indicated on your identity card. If you haven’t done so in time, don’t worry, you can always make a power of attorney and entrust your vote to someone you trust, who will slip the ballot into the ballot box for you.

For this, you can make an online request on the site, which should then be validated in a police station or a gendarmerie brigade, within two months.

It is also possible to make the request by going directly to a police station, a gendarmerie brigade or the judicial or local court, where you will be asked to complete a form.

The voter card is not necessary to vote

You will then need proof of identity and the national voter number of your representative (the person to whom you are giving power of attorney) registered on his electoral card. It can also be found online by asking about its electoral situation on the site.

Once you arrive at your polling station, you will be asked to present proof of identity with photo (national identity card, passport, driving licence, vital card, etc.) and/or your voter card, which does not is not required to vote.

All you have to do is choose. After taking the candidates’ ballots, you will be invited to go to the voting booth to put the one of your choice in an envelope, which you will then slip into the ballot box. Voted !

Find from Sunday from 8 p.m., the results of the Presidential 2022.

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