Maariv poll: The Likud and the right-wing bloc strengthen, but are stopped by 60 seats

by time news

The return of the political tangle. A special poll conducted yesterday for Maariv by Menachem Lazar – director of Panels Politics, following the resignation of MK Idit Silman (right) from the coalition, shows that if elections to the 25th Knesset had taken place today, the political system would have reached a dead end again. No decision between the blocs, despite a significant strengthening of the Likud.

Following the resignation of MK Silman, the coalition led by Naftali Bennett in the current Knesset has 60 MKs, the Likud-Religious Zionist-Haredi bloc 54 MKs, and the joint list has 6 MKs. In the survey – the creators are turning upside down. The Likud-Religious Zionist-Haredi bloc is climbing to 60 MKs, while the current coalition is down to 54 MKs, and the joint is left with 6 MKs.

The division of the blocs (Photo: Maariv Online)

And to detail the results: Party The Likud Led by Benjamin Netanyahu, it is increasing its power and winning 37 seats in the poll, compared to 30 today. also Religious Zionism Increases its power from 6 seats today to 9 in the poll. However Shas Loses 2 seats and gets in poll 7, while Torah Judaism Retains its power with 7 seats.

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In the opposite bloc, There is a future Led by Yair Lapid, he is gaining a seat compared to the current Knesset and receives 18 seats in the poll. However Blue and white Led by Bnei Gantz, it drops from 8 to 7 seats, right Led by Bennett loses two seats and gets in the poll only 5, just like Israel is our Home Led by Avigdor Lieberman with 5 seats, who also loses 2 seats from his power.

the job Led by Merav Michaeli, the poll drops from 7 to 6 seats, March Led by Nitzan Horowitz drops from 6 to 5, a new hope Led by Gideon Saar drops from 6 to 4, while The common list6 seats, And RAAMLed by Mansour Abbas with 4 seats, retaining their power.

However, Netanyahu and the Likud have reason for cautious optimism, since according to the survey, new hope is on the verge of a blocking percentage – it gets 4 seats thanks to only 3.4%. If Saar does not pass the blocking percentage, the Netanyahu bloc will have 61 seats.

The survey also shows that 42% of the public prefer new elections compared to 39% who prefer the formation of a new government in the current Knesset. Among Netanyahu’s voters, the preference is much clearer – 63% prefer new elections compared to 27% who support the formation of a new government without elections.

The survey was attended by 506 members of the Panel4All Respondents Panel to conduct online research. The survey was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, Jews and Arabs alike. The maximum sampling error in this survey is 4.3%.

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