Terror after a deadly Russian strike in a train station, EU representatives in kyiv

by time news

Did you miss the latest events related to the war in Ukraine? 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

A new Russian attack in Ukraine has sparked a wave of fear and emotion across the world. This Friday morning, around 10:30 a.m., a Russian missile fell on Kramatorsk station, in eastern Ukraine. The place was crowded with civilians gathered for days to try to flee the country. At least 50 people, including 5 children, were killed in this bombardment. A hundred others were hospitalized, of whom “about fifty were in serious condition”, indicated a soldier who participated in the reception of the wounded, specifying that “many will die, because they have lost a lot of blood, and we lack blood here.

The strike immediately sparked outrage around the world. Emmanuel Macron thus denounced an “abominable” act towards civilians whose only weapons are “strollers, stuffed animals, luggage”. For its part, Russia denied being responsible for the shooting and accused kyiv of having orchestrated the strike to “prevent the departure of the population of the city in order to be able to use it as a human shield”. On the missile sent, it is however in Russian that one could read “for our children”.

The phrase

A cocktail of sanctions that will be remembered as Molotov cocktails

This is what Volodymyr Zelensky wishes for Russia. “We need powerful and effective sanctions against Russia, permanent sanctions,” said the Ukrainian head of state, criticizing the slowness of certain Western countries and asking for more weapons from his partners in the European Union.

The number

16,7 %. Inflation, which has been soaring in Russia for months, soared to 16.7% in March year on year. Compared to February of this year, prices even accelerated by 7.6% month-on-month. Among the prices that increased the most over one year, we find pasta (+25%), butter (+22%), sugar (+70%), fruit and vegetables (+35%), construction materials (+32%), household electronics (+40%).

The trend of the day

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Foreign Minister Josep Borrell arrived in kyiv on Friday as a sign of support for Ukraine. EU officials visited the Boutcha mass graves where dozens of civilians killed in the fighting are buried and where investigators have begun exhuming bodies as part of investigations into possible war crimes.

European countries keep sending signs of support to Ukraine. The EU has thus already frozen at least 29.5 billion euros of Russian and Belarusian assets. Slovakia said it would supply kyiv with an S-300 air defense system. For its part, London has sanctioned the daughters of Putin and Lavrov, now banned from entering British territory, and announced the dispatch of additional anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine.

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