Vaiko, Seeman and Jawaharlal Nehru condemn Amit Shah’s Hindi speech

by time news

Seaman said that at this juncture, he was reminding the ruling BJP rulers of the historic message that Bangladesh was born out of the language barrier of Pakistan.


MDMK The statement issued by General Secretary Vaiko states: –

Home Minister Amit Shah’s claim that only Hindi can create Indian unity is highly reprehensible.

At the Hindi Day celebrations in Delhi in 2019, Home Minister Amit Shah said, “The whole country in general needs a language for sure. That will be the hallmark of India at the international level. Only Hindi can connect India like that. The Hindi language will reach its biggest peak before the 2024 parliamentary elections. ” Spoke to Hindi Timi. There was strong opposition to Amit Shah’s speech.

He is currently reiterating the same at the Parliamentary Business Language Committee meeting.

Let us not forget that the people of Tamil Nadu have been fighting for language rights since 1938 against the Hindi dump.

If India’s multilingualism, culture, heritage and distinctive identities of national races are distorted, unity will be shattered and India will become another Soviet Union. The BJP I warn the government not to give way.

Thus he has said.

Naam Tamil Party Chief Coordinator Seeman: –

It is shocking that Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that India should be adopted as an alternative to English. The carnage of the BJP government, which seeks to establish the Aryan language as the national language of India, is strongly condemned, as it does not balance the importance of these languages ​​in the Union of India, a multi-lingual ethnic group.

BJP At this juncture, I would like to remind the ruling BJP rulers of the historic message that Bangladesh was born out of the language dictatorship of Pakistan, declaring that Tamil Nadu and the Tamils ​​would stand up and fight uncompromisingly, despite the acceptance of the state’s Hindi dump by all nationalities across the Indian subcontinent.

Thus he has said.

The statement issued by the leader of the Humanitarian People’s Party MH Jawaharlal Nehru said: –

When the Official Languages ​​Act was passed under Article 343 (3) of the Constitution of India, the then Prime Minister Nehru made it clear that there was no room for talk of one language becoming more national than another.

Home Minister Amit Shah’s speech is against the Constitution of India and the Official Languages ​​Act.

Home Minister Amit Shah’s speech is an expression of an attempt by the Union government to illegally impose the Sanghwara policy of one country, one religion and one language.

If there is another attempt to impose the Hindi language, all the progressive forces in Tamil Nadu will have to rally in Orani and fight on a large scale. I strongly condemn Amitsha’s speech which divides the people by inciting a sense of language.

Thus he has said.

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