Astronomers monitor the most distant galaxy ever discovered in the universe

by time news

Scientists have revealed an atomic weight that may change all human concepts about the universe and the physical sciences, if proven true.

In an experiment to measure the weight of fundamental particles known as “W bosons”, scientists revealed that their weight is much more than expected, according to the Associated Press.

These particles are the main driving force at the center of the atoms, appearing for only fractions of a second before disappearing into other atoms.

Dave Toback, a particle physicist at A & M University in Texas, a spokesman for the US government’s Fermi National Particle Accelerator Laboratory, said the discovery “not only reflects that something is wrong … it literally means that there is a serious error in our basic understanding.” to nature.”

Scientists in the laboratory, known as “Fermilab” for short, have studied particle collisions over a period of ten years, and measured the density of about 4 million particles of W bosons.

These particles “continue to appear and vanish in the quantum presence of the universe,” Tupac added.

The study, which was supervised by 400 scientists and was published, Thursday, in the scientific journal “Science”, stated that the difference between the weight of particles suggested by previous theories and what scientists recently discovered has grown and cannot be considered just an error in the calculations, and it cannot be overlooked.

The scientists stressed that the results of the amazing study require another study, and if it is proven, this will present one of the biggest problems that scientists may face in the cosmic laws drawn within the theory of the Standard Model or the theory of standard modeling.

Duke University physicist Ashutosh in Cutwall, who led the analysis, likened their study’s findings to “the discovery of a hidden room in your home”.

Scientists believe that there are particles that have not yet been discovered, and that it is possible that they interact with the W bosons, which may explain the secret of the extra mass, or that the weight may be caused by dark matter, another common substance in the universe, but we do not know much. about her.

It is possible that new laws of physics have been shown in testing, the researchers said, but they don’t know what they are yet.

Although the difference between the two masses, previously documented and the other discovered in the study, may be small to onlookers, they are considered gigantic in the world of atoms. The mass suggested by the Standard Model theory of W bosons should reach 80,357,000 electronvolts, which may increase or decrease by six degrees.

The mass of the particles detected Thursday of 80,433,000 electronvolts could increase or decrease by nine degrees.

In any case, proving such a large claim requires additional evidence from a second party, which has not yet happened.

“It’s a very precise measurement, and it requires understanding the different parameters of a variety of small effects,” says Claudio Campagnari, a particle physicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who was not part of Fermilab’s team. At the end of the day what we need is confirmation with another trial.”

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