Find the leg of a dinosaur that was killed by a giant asteroid that hit Earth in Mexico

by time news

Scientists claim to have found a well-preserved fossil of a dinosaur leg that dates back to the time of the asteroid impact.

The tip of a dinosaur’s leg, covered in skin, was found at a fossil site in Tanis, North Dakota, 3,000 kilometers from the asteroid impact site in the Gulf of Mexico, according to wionews.

British archaeologists, who were working on the site, believe it was killed and buried about 66 million years ago when an asteroid rained on Earth, bringing an end to the age of the dinosaurs.

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When the age of the dinosaurs ended and the appearance of mammals began, it is 66 million years old with very few dinosaur remains found in the rocks that are recorded until the last few thousand years before the collision.

In addition to the dinosaur’s leg, fish and turtle fossils were found, as well as the remains of small mammals and the burrows they made.

The finding of these fossils is evidence that a space rock about 12 kilometers wide struck the planet and caused the last mass extinction. In addition, the site was located in the Gulf of Mexico, near the Yucatan Peninsula, about 3,000 kilometers from Tanis.

The remains of animals and plants appear to have been moved together in a sediment dump by waves of earthquake-hit river water, evidenced by the finding of a number of fish fossils, the pellets having been linked chemically and by radiation to the Mexican impact site, and in two particles recovered from tree resin. Preserved, there are also small inclusions indicating that the origin of the explosion was extraterrestrial.

Professor David says: “We were able to determine the composition of that material, and all the evidence and all the chemical data, from that study strongly suggest that we’re looking at a piece of a massive asteroid, the asteroid that ended the life of the dinosaurs.”

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