Are the “real” causes of insecurity absent from the campaign?

by time news

According to a recent Ipsos poll, 60% of French people consider the French situation in terms of security “rather bad” or “bad”. Normal, therefore, that from Yannick Jadot to Valérie Pécresse, from Emmanuel Macron to Marine Le Pen, (almost) all the candidates for the 2022 presidential election have made insecurity one of the themes of their campaigns… But what exactly are we talking about?

Those ” educational patterns of dominance »

It is said that you have to identify its causes to solve a problem. However, for the essayist and historian Lucie Peytavin, “acts of delinquency and criminality are, in the vast majority of cases, committed by male individuals”. However, “it is neither the brain nor testosterone” that incites men to it “but educational patterns of domination through physical and moral force. »

To “drastically reduce delinquency and criminality, which have absolutely colossal human and financial costs (legal, health, etc. costs), it would therefore be appropriate to “transmit a more humanistic education to boys, which promotes altruism, empathy, respect for the rules, everything we already do a lot more with the girls”.

Discover the entirety of this unprecedented – and audacious – thesis in this video from our partner Brut.

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