“No abstentions since the day I got the vote, and I’m too old to start”

by time news

In Ajaccio, we vote “by conviction”, to “block”… and for Yvan Colonna

Electoral participation is on the decline in Corsica, with a rate of 25.46% at midday, against 27.51% five years ago. On this open-air agora that is the market of Ajaccio, place Campinchi, Sauveur, 67, does not recognize a “Election Sunday like the others”.

Although this charcuterie seller has not slipped a ballot into the ballot box for fifteen years, he is worried about the ” context ” : the Covid-19, the “yellow vests”, Ukraine, Corsica, but not only. “There have been a lot of crises in the past five years, I can’t say if I would have voted for the president, but who do we face? », he wonders.

Under the tarpaulins, three women also begin their morning press review. A brunette in her fifties, who does not want to give her name, would have slipped a ballot “Yvan Colonna” in the ballot box. “Anyway, we’ve been paying even more charges for five years”sighs the shopkeeper.

Laura, 55, is a sailor for Corsica Linea. “I would have voted Melenchon if I had thought of making my proxy”, she assures. There are more tourists than voters in the market this morning. Prescilla, she will vote ” Navy blue “, like the color of his sweatshirt. A loyalty vote, while the forties was “less a fan of the father”, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

In 1992, the nationalists prevented the founder of the National Front from landing in Bastia and holding his meeting in Ajaccio. In 2017, her daughter came out on top in the first round in Corsica, with 27.88%, even though the National Rally does not have a single elected official on the island.

That’s why Louis and Pierre, in their sixties, went to do their homework this morning. “I voted to block certain people”, provides the first. “Me, I voted out of conviction for a man who loves the countryside”, smiled the second. Both will be in front of their television tonight at 8 p.m.

At the market in Ajaccio, Corsica.

Paul Ortoli (Ajaccio, correspondent)

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