Allergan Aesthetics launches new hybrid injectable filler

by time news

Allergan Aestheticsa company of the AbbVie group, presented its new aesthetic medicine treatment in Milan, HArmonyCa* with lidocaine, designed to improve the quality of the skin and counteract the signs of aging. The company thus announces today its entry into the category of hybrid injectable fillers, with an ad hoc treatment able to mitigate the signs of aging on the face in a multidimensional way thanks to the two active ingredients it contains: hyaluronic acid (HA), for an immediate lifting effect, and calcium hydroxyapatite ( CaHA), a substance capable of stimulating the production of collagen. (Video)

“With the launch of HArmonyCa Allergan Aesthetics confirms its concrete commitment to strengthen and lead innovation in the aesthetic medicine sector through this absolute novelty in the category of hybrid injectable fillers “, he declares Jelena Petrovic, CEO and General manager of Allergan Aesthetics Italia. “This new treatment allows us to diversify our portfolio and thus respond to the different needs of individual patients and to ever new needs. Our goal is to support patients so that they acquire more and more confidence in aesthetic medicine as a branch of medicine and as a solution to their needs “.

“In this meeting we talk about beauty, there is no doubt, but above all about the overcoming of canons imposed from the outside, as has happened over the centuries”, says the philosopher Stefano Zecchi, former professor of Aesthetics at the University of Milan, who spoke in Milan at the talk entitled ‘Dialogue on beauty’. “The emerging tendency to go beyond the canons imposed by traditional culture allows one to be truly free to recognize one’s own image reflected in the mirror”.

Today everyone must feel free to pursue their own personal ideal of beauty – he has declared Maurizio Cavallini, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery – to gain self-confidence and we must develop a positive attitude towards these kinds of needs. This is what I remind my patients every day in my office “.

“We know well that skin texture changes with age – continues the specialist – and which requires a multidimensional approach. Additionally, tissue laxity and sagging skin may accentuate the need for this approach. Thanks to this new injectable, which combines the double action of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite (which represent respectively 70% and 30% of the formula), it is possible to guarantee an immediate and prolonged lifting effect, with a consequent improvement in harmony. and of the entire architecture of the face. The combination of HA and CaHA from HArmonyCa, in a single solution, is a new option for both patients and medical specialists who are experienced in the field. ”

“Personally – concludes Cavallini – I believe that its potential, through the stimulation of collagen production with calcium hydroxyapatite, can respond to the concrete needs of patients who, on a daily basis, face all the problems related to skin aging”.

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