Presidential 2022: Nathalie Arthaud obtains 0.6% of the vote

by time news

She was part of the closed club of candidates for the three presidential candidacies. The adventure of Nathalie Arthaud, the candidate invested by the Lutte Ouvrière party, ends in the first round of this supreme election. She obtained this Sunday evening 0.6% of the votes cast, which places her in 12th position, behind Philippe Poutou, according to Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimates for Le Parisien, France Télévisions and Radio France.

“The second round will once again pit Marine le Pen against Emmanuel Macron. Both are enemies of the working class,” the candidate said, not hinting at any voting guidelines for the second round of voting.

It’s not easy to campaign when you’re one of the small candidates. That the means are more than limited, that the campaign expenses are not reimbursed and that the broadcasting time is weaker than that of the favorites of the ballot. True to form, Nathalie Arthaud has played her card as an opponent of this “big capitalism” which she abhors more than anything. Her proposals, she insisted, did not constitute a program per se. Just goals to achieve, through struggle.

After 34 years of political life, Nathalie Arthaud has however seen others. In addition to its presidential candidacies, it has to its credit two legislative elections, one municipal election and three regional elections. A big CV that has not been crowned with the same success in accounting terms. In 2017, Nathalie Arthaud won less than 1% of the votes cast (0.64%), finishing between François Asselineau and Jacques Cheminade. Barely better than her score obtained five years earlier, when she obtained 0.56% of the vote.

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