Celebrating at our expense: Knesset members’ expenses are exposed

by time news

Members of the Knesset in 2021 NIS 678,000 for advertising on Facebook, led by Yuli Edelstein – NIS 46,000 for Facebook management, Gideon Saar about NIS 10,000, Miki Zohar – NIS 30,000, and the chairman of RAAM Mansour Abbas spent about NIS 39,861 a year On promoted posts.

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The Yifat company received about NIS 344,000 for collecting press clippings. According to Globes, many MKs also spent on legal advice. MK Yair Golan paid Fishhandler Nahum NIS 5,850 in July last year for a defamation lawsuit, and another NIS 4,750 in December for counseling. The legal advice.

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